INSERT INTO fails w "Missing Parameter"


David Habercom

Can someone clarify for me why this crashes:

Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "INSERT INTO MtchStaffTbl (MchStfFNo, MchStfIDCode) " & _
"VALUES (Me.EnFNo, Me.StaffAddLstBx);"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

The message is "Too few Parameters. Expected 2."

Thanks in advance.


This looks suspicious:

Is AddLstBx a List Box control on you form? If not, what is it?

David Habercom

Yes. Me.StaffAddLstBx is a list box, and the bound column contains the
correct text data...


Sorry, I am not seeing the problem. Since I have never used a List Box like
this, I don't know if that is a problem or not. I think it should not be,
but I would have use a Combo. As a test, try pluggin a value in by hand and
running it to see what happens:

"VALUES (Me.EnFNo, 99);"

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