INSERT INTO syntax error



The function below gives me the error:

"Syntax error in INSERT INTO statment. (3134)".

Does anyone know how to modify the INSERT statement?

Also, the DATE format should be simply in "MM-DD-YY"

Thanks in advance,


Private Sub Location_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_Location_AfterUpdate

strSQL = "INSERT INTO History" & _
"VALUES ( " & _
Format$(Now(), "\#yyyy\-mm\-dd hh\:nn\#")
& ", " & _
"""" & Me!Location.Value & """)"

MsgBox strSQL, , "Location history table will be

CurrentDb().Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description & " (" & Err.Number & ")", _
vbOKOnly + vbCritical
Resume End_Location_AfterUpdate

End Sub

Scott McDaniel

'strSQL = "INSERT INTO History (NameofField1, NameOfField2) VALUES(#" &
Format(Now(), 'mm-dd-yy') & "#, ' " & Me!Location.Value & " ' )"

This assumes that your second value is a string ... Note that you may not
need to add the NameofField1 and NameOfField2, but I've always included them
in my string since it makes the INSERT easier to read. Note also that I have
purposely included extra spaces around the single quotes ( ' ) to make sure
they show up. You'll have to remove those spaces for this to work.

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