John Keith
"INSERT INTO [Staff_CNP-Assignments] FIELDS(SSN, EffectiveDate, AssignedLoc,
PostDate) VALUES('111223333', #2/18/2009#, '020', #2/18/2009#)"
With that as my string value in a DoCmd.RunSQL sSQL what is the syntax error?
Staff_CNP-Assignments table has its primary key as an autonum field and not
referenced in the FIELDS( ) or VALUES( ). With the following 4 fields~data
types: SSN~text, EffectiveDate~date/time, AssignedLoc~text,
I have double checked the spelling of the field names.
PostDate) VALUES('111223333', #2/18/2009#, '020', #2/18/2009#)"
With that as my string value in a DoCmd.RunSQL sSQL what is the syntax error?
Staff_CNP-Assignments table has its primary key as an autonum field and not
referenced in the FIELDS( ) or VALUES( ). With the following 4 fields~data
types: SSN~text, EffectiveDate~date/time, AssignedLoc~text,
I have double checked the spelling of the field names.