I've a piece of code which sends an email including a message into which I
want to add a number of fields. However, I can't work out exactly how to put
a carriage return or line feed into the message as I don't want it to be one
continuous paragraph. I've seem something in the groups about the Chr$(10)
and Chr$(13) but couldn't get these to work.
My code currently looks like this:
With CodeContextObject
DoCmd.OpenReport "Full_Call_Report", acPreview, "",
"[Calls]![Call_Ref]=[Forms]![Calls]![Call Ref]"
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "Full_Call_Report", "RichTextFormat(*.rtf)", "",
"", "", "(TE" & .[Call Ref]& ") - Re: " & .[Problem Summary], "Please see
attached call details", True, ""
I'd like to insert some more text and a couple of fields after "Please see
attached call details" but I need to seperate the paragraphs....
Windows XP, Access 2000
I've a piece of code which sends an email including a message into which I
want to add a number of fields. However, I can't work out exactly how to put
a carriage return or line feed into the message as I don't want it to be one
continuous paragraph. I've seem something in the groups about the Chr$(10)
and Chr$(13) but couldn't get these to work.
My code currently looks like this:
With CodeContextObject
DoCmd.OpenReport "Full_Call_Report", acPreview, "",
"[Calls]![Call_Ref]=[Forms]![Calls]![Call Ref]"
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "Full_Call_Report", "RichTextFormat(*.rtf)", "",
"", "", "(TE" & .[Call Ref]& ") - Re: " & .[Problem Summary], "Please see
attached call details", True, ""
I'd like to insert some more text and a couple of fields after "Please see
attached call details" but I need to seperate the paragraphs....
Windows XP, Access 2000