Insert MathType Equation


Ad Pronk

For a long time I used Office 2000 and 3.0 Equation editor and I was very
However, at my new job the standard is Office 2003. When I want to insert an
equation (object) in Excel, I see Microsoft 3.0 Equation but this option will
be overruled by MathType (which I [have to] use in Word). Clicking the insert
button leads to the remark "can't insert object". The same happens with other
objects. Only after I try to insert a Word document, I get the MathType
sheet. Thus I type my equation and close it (save & back to) and return to my
Excel worksheet. But the only thing I see is "Object ..., "EMBED...." etc.
but no equation at all. Due to the strict procedures at the university it is
not possible to get the Microsoft 3.0 Equation editor, which works at home
using Office 2003. There might be a "relation" with Word, because there in
the list of objects is still the term Microsoft 3.0 Equation. When I clicked
it I was immediately changed to MathType but couldn't save it to Word. After
the 'helpdesk' changed 'something' I was able to work in Word with MathType
after inserting Microsoft 3.0 Equation from the object list.
Please some explanation and maybe how I can fix this.

Bernard Liengme

I cannot reproduce your problem but I suggest you start by looking in Excel
at Tools | Options | View and seeing if the Objects group you have Show
objects and not Show Placeholders

The Equation Editor that comes with Office is a licences by MS from Math
Type. There is not much difference in the two product until get to use
advanced stuff. Unless you need to colour some characters in an equation, I
doubt if the prof will know you have used your home PC with Equation Editor
(I am a retired prof!)

best wishes

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