Insert object in MSA2007 behaves differently



I am working on a database that stores 72dpi thumbnail pictures as OLE
objects for a charitable organization. When they switched to Access 2007,
the pictures no longer import in the same way that they used to. When the
picture is imported it appears as a pixelated version with the file name

They have been importing the picture through a the bound object frame in a
form. The bound object frame is controled by the OLE field in a table. To
import, they select the bound ojject frame and then choose the insert object
tool from the add-ins toolbar. The picture is created from a selected .bmp
file. When this is done, the pixelated image appears.

While I agree with most of the advice that pictures should not generally be
stored as objects in the DB because of the size, I don't want to make
wholesale changes to the DB at this time.

Are there any settings that will permit the pictures to be inserted like
they were in earlier versions of MSA?
Are there other recommendations for setting up pictures to help with this

Thanks for your help.

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