Insert polygonal image?



Hi all,
Is there a way to insert polygonal image into a document?
I tryed different ways but always the image is rectangular.


Keith Howell

How many sides do you want? Draw a vertical line (You can ensure it is
exactly vertical by holding down the shift key as you draw it - this causes a
snap to the neareast 15 degrees)

Copy the line and rotate it by the number of degrees you need e.g. 12 sided
= 30 degrees. To do this select the duplicate line and select Format
Autoshape; the size tab and rotation. Make as many lines as you need to
create the spokes of a wheel and then join the ends up. Delete the spokes and
group the remaining outer line. If you need to have it as a single object
that you can colour in then simply trace over it with freeform


Ok, works great, thanks!

Keith Howell said:
How many sides do you want? Draw a vertical line (You can ensure it is
exactly vertical by holding down the shift key as you draw it - this
causes a
snap to the neareast 15 degrees)

Copy the line and rotate it by the number of degrees you need e.g. 12
= 30 degrees. To do this select the duplicate line and select Format
Autoshape; the size tab and rotation. Make as many lines as you need to
create the spokes of a wheel and then join the ends up. Delete the spokes
group the remaining outer line. If you need to have it as a single object
that you can colour in then simply trace over it with freeform


If I understand your question, you are actually asking about the 'box' the
inserted image is placed in. If so, that will always be a rectangle, but it
doesn't display unless you click the image. Word, however, does not support
Polygonal picture frames.

You can select the image & apply a Border Color, etc., in which case the
rectangular border will be visible & will print. You can also use the
AutoShapes & Drawing Tools to create your own "frame", then select both it &
the image in order to Group them.

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