Insert row treated differently depending on link destination



Inserting rows in Source Workbook is handled differently by the Destination
Workbook depending the location of destination workbook - a destination
sheet in the same workbook or a destination workbook stored locally on the
same device vs a destination workbook stored over the network on a different

Example 1 Destination stored locally on the same device as Source:
Source has 10 rows (1 through 10). The Destination is linked to the data
in the rows. I insert a row between row 3 and 4 moving row 4 to row 5 leaving
a new row 4 which is blank. Enter data into the new row 4. Save Source. Go
to the Destination, update the links - the new row 4 is a no show. When I
look at the link formulas on the destination there is now no reference to 4
row on the Source.

Example 2 Destination stored over network on different device.
Same scenario as above Source with 10 rows, insert a row between rows 3and
4. …
Now when I go the Destination and update the link the new row 4 with the
data is there.

Why does this happen and can I force it to work either way regardless of
where the Destination is located.

I’m tying to build a spreadsheet application that makes use of the
functionality in example 2. I have 3 people managing a workbook with 10
source sheets that feed into a destination sheet on the same workbook. Those
3 sources then feed into a destination stored on a shared device over the
network. Ideally they would be able to insert rows into their 10 source
sheets and those additions would be replicated on their destination sheets
and in turn replicated on the combined destination workbook.

Thanks for any insight.


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