insert syntax help required



Hi all,

I have a login form were a sysadmin can enter new values into the table.

I need the values entered into the table through the form.

i have 3 txtfeilds on my form
txtuserid - accepts username - text
txtpwd - accepts userpwd - text
txtlevel - accepts level - numeric

I have an insert query which inserts these values into the authorized table

strQuery = "INSERT INTO Authorized (UserId, Pwd, Level) " & " VALUES ('"
& Me.txtuserid & "', '" & Me.txtpwd & "', '" & Me.txtlevel & ");"

I am getting a syntax error on my insert statement
what is wrong here

Carl Rapson

Since Level is numeric, you don't need single quotes around the value:

strQuery = "INSERT INTO Authorized (UserId, Pwd, Level) " & " VALUES ('"
& Me.txtuserid & "', '" & Me.txtpwd & "', " & Me.txtlevel & ");"

Carl Rapson

Bob Barrows [MVP]

vandy said:
Hi all,

I have a login form were a sysadmin can enter new values into the

I need the values entered into the table through the form.

i have 3 txtfeilds on my form
txtuserid - accepts username - text
txtpwd - accepts userpwd - text
txtlevel - accepts level - numeric

I have an insert query which inserts these values into the authorized

strQuery = "INSERT INTO Authorized (UserId, Pwd, Level) " & "
VALUES ('" & Me.txtuserid & "', '" & Me.txtpwd & "', '" & Me.txtlevel
& ");"

I am getting a syntax error on my insert statement
what is wrong here

I'd like to show you how to parameterize this statement so you don't
have to worry about delimiters, but I'm not sure if you are using DAO or
ADO to execute it.


Hi Bob I am using a DAO and quite frankly i do not know why!

This is my code and i do appreciate you helping me on this.

Private Sub btnNew_Click()

Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim wrk As DAO.Workspace
Dim strQuery As String, strMessage As String

On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Set wrk = DAO.DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set dbs = CurrentDb

If IsNull(Me.txtuserid) Then
MsgBox ("You must enter username")
Exit Sub


If IsNull(Me.txtpwd) Then
MsgBox ("You must enter a Password")
Exit Sub

If IsNull(Me.txtlevel) Then
MsgBox ("You must enter 1 - Full Access OR 2 - Read only access")
Exit Sub

End If
End If
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtuserid) And Not IsNull(Me.txtpwd) And Not
IsNull(Me.txtlevel) Then
strQuery = "INSERT INTO Authorized (UserId, Pwd, Level) " & " VALUES ('"
& Me.txtuserid & "', '" & Me.txtpwd & "', '" & Me.txtlevel & ");"


End If
Exit Sub

strMessage = Error & " (" & Err.Number & ")" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"(Error in " & strQuery & ")" & _
vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Transaction rolled back and no tables

MsgBox strMessage, vbExclamation, "Error"

Resume Exit_Here

MsgBox ("New user added")
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDataEntry
End Sub


Hi Bob,

I forgot to add that i am getting a
Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement ( 3134 )

My user defined error is being displyed.

Transacation rolled back and no records inserted.


Bob Barrows [MVP]

vandy said:
Hi Bob I am using a DAO and quite frankly i do not know why!

This is my code and i do appreciate you helping me on this.
strQuery = "INSERT INTO Authorized (UserId, Pwd, Level) " & "
VALUES ('" & Me.txtuserid & "', '" & Me.txtpwd & "', '" & Me.txtlevel
& ");"
But you never execute the statement!??

Here is how I would do it:
strQuery = "INSERT INTO Authorized (UserId, Pwd, Level) " & _

dim qdf as querydef
set qdf=dbs.CreateQuerydef("",strQuery)
qdf(0) = Me.txtuserid
qdf(1) = Me.txtpwd
qdf(2) = Me.txtlevel
qdf.execute dbFailOnError

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