Insert text from one file into the cells of a table in another?


Gillmore (ACME SW)

We have a series of steps for a test procedure that are repeated several
times in many documents. In software, we just right a function and then call
it. Not a big deal.

However, what we must do is to make the test procedure match the test log
step for step. For instance:

26 Do something Verify something
27 Execute subroutine
27.1 Do something Verify something
27.2 Do something Verify something

28 Do something Verify something
29 Execute subroutine
29.1 Do something Verify something
29.2 Do something Verify something

{ INCLUDETEXT ... } doesn't seem to have the capabilities that I want.

Thanks for the help


Charles Kenyon

Consider using AutoText and AutoText fields.

Still don't know how IncludeText isn't working for you, though? You need to
bookmark the text to be copied (and bookmarks are easily destroyed during
editing) and reference the bookmark. In a table, you would not want the
bookmark to include the end of cell marker.
Charles Kenyon

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Gillmore (ACME SW)

If I understand what you are saying, I would bookmark a cell in the table in
the source file, and then reference that bookmark in the destination table?

What I really want to do is to reference upwards of 10 rows of 3 columns in
a table. Bookmarking 30 elements and referencing them would be painful at
best. Further, this same process could be repeated as many as three times in
each of perhaps 30 documents.

I can add an entire table into the cell of another using { INCLUDETEXT ...
}, but that doesn't work because what I want is to insert the contents of the
table in the referenced file into the table of the referencing file.

I also want to be sure that a changed to the number of table rows in the
referenced file is made available at all referencing points.

Does that make sense, or am I just rambling?


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