Chuck N
Lets see if i can explain this. I am doing a certified weight cert and
you input values on one sheet and vlookup functions call the
information onto the actual certificate.
There are three values that we are working with, Gross Weight, Tare
Weight, and Net Weight. Gross is F2, Tare is G2 and Net is H2. When a
value is only entered in Tare, Net says TARE ONLY as the function reads
=IF((F2-G2)>0, F2-G2, "TARE ONLY")
I now need F2 to read "TARE ONLY" as well if F2 is blank.
Conversly, if G2 is blank, F2 and H2 need to read "GROSS ONLY"
Thanks for your help.
you input values on one sheet and vlookup functions call the
information onto the actual certificate.
There are three values that we are working with, Gross Weight, Tare
Weight, and Net Weight. Gross is F2, Tare is G2 and Net is H2. When a
value is only entered in Tare, Net says TARE ONLY as the function reads
=IF((F2-G2)>0, F2-G2, "TARE ONLY")
I now need F2 to read "TARE ONLY" as well if F2 is blank.
Conversly, if G2 is blank, F2 and H2 need to read "GROSS ONLY"
Thanks for your help.