Terry said:
Does anyone know how to insert or create an x-bar
character (i.e., x with a line over the top of it--often
used to stand for the mean of x)? Thanks.
Hi Terry,
Another option if you use a Unicode-enabled OS (Win 2000, Win XP) and have a
large Unicode font installed ("Arial Unicode MS", "Lucida Sans Unicode"
Use the "combining macron" or "combining overline" after the letter x.
You can type x, and then Alt+772, or x, then Alt+773.
If you don't have any large Unicode font installed, the character will
display as a box.
If you haven't chosen the large Unicode font (for example in the style
definition), Word will insert the "x" from your style's font, and the
overline from some large Unicode font, and the overline probably will not
appear centered over the "x".
You can create a keyboard shortcut or AutoCorrect entry for the character.
The hexadecimal code for the characters is U+0304 (hex 304 = decimal 772)
and U+0305. That is what the "Insert > Symbol" dialog shows (choose any
large Unicode font, subset: "Combining Diacritical Marks").
In Word2002/2003, you also can type in x0304 in the text, select "0304", and
use Alt+X to toggle the code into the character (... but both this and going
through the "Insert > Symbol" dialog are rather clumsy IMO).