insert video into document



I know a little about WORD 2002. I have learned how to insert a picture into
document and send to a recipient.

My current question:

Is it possible to do the same with inserting video from Clip Organizer
into document just like i did with picture? In this case, what is the
maximum for the video clip?

Graham Mayor

You really don't want to be sending video clips by e-mail!

Use Messenger to transfer video material - the file sizes can be huge!

You can insert a link to a video clip in a document as an object - and the
file can be as large as you like - eg a full DVD video - but you would have
to send the source file also and that would jam the recipeints e-mail system
I can just imagine someone trying to download such a file on a dial up
system :(

Word is not a video player, so clicking the link icon will open the default
player for the file type (if present on the recipients PC) after a rash of
security warnings.

I urge you to think again!

If you need to exchange video material on a regular basis, you might think
about using some specialised software - such as TribalWeb

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Terry Farrell

Or sometimes, burning to CD/DVD and sending by snail mail may be a solution.



Thanks for the explanation - source file- it says plenty.
I have assumed everything sent by email is more or less in binary code, but
this is not my question.


I think I am following you burning to CD/DVD is lots better; decoded to
binary or hex format; lots better than source file. If i miss the point,
nevermind because you said snail mail. It sounds like at snail's pace.

Graham Mayor

I use this method to send DVD material to my daughter, who does not have
broadband ... yet. Four days by post to send it half way round the world is
probably quicker than she could download it - and is certainly cheaper as I
have to pay for the stamp and disc ;)

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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