You can copy the Excel range and paste it into Word as a picture (this
is not the same as Insert Picture or Insert File), and the picture can
be resized as you wish. In Excel, select the range of cells you want to
paste into Word, and click on Edit -> Copy (or Ctrl+C). Switch to Word.
Click on Edit -> Paste Special -> Paste as Picture, uncheck the "Float
Over Text" box if you wish, and OK. If you turned off float, the Excel
picture will automatically resize to fit within the left/right or
top/bottom margins (whichever is more restrictive), although you can
further resize the picture if you wish. If left float on, the picture
as pasted into Word will probably be too big, but you can resize it as
you wish. Floating or not, you will not be able to edit the Excel
picture in place in the Word file (i.e., change the data in the
picture)... if you need to change the data, you will have to do that in
Excel, then copy and paste the range into Word again. The advantages
are that other people won't be able to change the data in the picture
either, and the size of your Word file will be smaller because you're
not embedding the entire Excel worksheet in it as you would if you used
Insert File or Insert Object. There is a limit to how much you can copy
from Excel though. Word can't shrink the selected range to less than
59% of its original size in Excel to fit within Word's margins... if you
select too many rows or columns, Word will shrink the selected range to
59% and truncate everything at the right and/or bottom side(s) of the
picture that doesn't fit within the margins. So check to make sure
everything you copy in Excel shows up in Word. Hope this helps.