Inserted Photos: Copying a Single Page of a Multi-Page Document



I had to go to Microsoft- Bombay Tech-Support for a workable solution, but
here it is:

Press the contol key, click on each image or photo, go to edit menu and
click on copy, paste into new document........VOILA! A single page of a
multi page document of images is now available exactly as it appeared in the
original document!


Terry Farrell

But this answer does not match the original question - which in case you
forgot, was ...

"I have a multi-page document with photos on each page. The photos are NOT
text boxes. I'd like to copy a single page but I can't figure out how. It's
not like you can run your cursor over the page and copy. Nor is there a copy
option available in the edit menu.

Let me know if there is a way to do this"

What has this answer to do with your original question?



Frankly, it has everything to do with my original question. I'm not clear on
what you don't understand

Terry Farrell

My (Our) understanding is that you wanted to select a 'single page' which in
later posts transpires to contain a single picture set 'Behind the Text'
even though there is no text on the page. What you appear to have wanted was
to make multiple selection of all the pictures (one from each page?) and
paste them into another document.


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