Inserted pictures are not embedding, looking for a solution?



I created a User's Manual (XP operating system with 2003 Office Word)
and sent it to others to edit. They did not get the images that were
inserted from my jpg files. My thoughts are that the images were not
embedded (only linked to the files). In the past, my pictures were
always embedded and there were no problems emailing the document or
moving the document to a new computer.

Can anyone help me? Thanks!

Anne Troy

Are you sure? Images aren't linked by default. I'd be more inclined to think
they're not viewing drawing objects under Tools-->Options-->View tab.
Hope it helps!
Anne Troy


Anne said:
Are you sure? Images aren't linked by default. I'd be more inclined to
think they're not viewing drawing objects under Tools-->Options-->View

The people I sent the guide to said that they did not get any of the
pictures, only the squares with the red x in it.

Any other ideas? They would be greatly appreciated!!!

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