inserted pictures in Word 2007 turns black when printed




I need help why everytime I print a document with pictures copied from
Excel into Word as windows metafile turns all black when printed. Is
there something I should do? I am working on tables done in Excel but
they all come out black when printed in Word.




I have no answers, but the same problem. If I open the 2003 file with 2007
and print to pdf, the Excel spreadsheets linked in as metafiles turn all
black. (Prints on paper OK.)Was never able to resolve, so hopefully with an
additional post, we'll get some answers.


I've been testing this like crazy and nothing has worked if the picture
object is linked. If I link 07 Excel into 07 Word as a metafile, do Save As
instead of Print and use the Microsoft pdf creator instead of Adobe, it will
work, but then I have no control as to the file size/quality of the pdf.

I am now testing the Excel files as embedded Excel objects rather than
metafiles, and that seems to work fine to create the pdf, where before
embedding Excel objects was a sure recipe for massive, slow files and
corruption of files that was not recoverable.

Haven't started testing other types of graphic files yet. Best of luck to
you, and I'd love to hear something on this. Our IT department is stumped as
well. They installed Acrobat Pro 9 for me - I was using 8 - but no better.

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