Inserted Project



Hello All,
Can someone tell me where Project pulls the insert name
for an inserted Project?


From the project title.

(file menu / properties / Title)

Sometimes it gets it wrong.


Jan De Messemaeker

Then it gets it from the name field of the project summary task.
That then overrides input into the title field.


Whoa, what do you mean, "sometimes it gets it wrong"? That doesn't fly.
It has to get the information from someplace.

Apparently not quite true either.

Let me give you both a little background. Cheryl asked me the question
along with some other questions in a direct e-mail (I read her e-mail
before I saw her post on the newsgroup). I didn't really know the answer
so I did a little experiment. I have a file with a file name "Tinsert-4"
and another with a file name "TInsert-2". For both files both the
'Title' and 'Project summary task' say "TInsert-2". When I create a new
master file and insert both as subprojects, the insert summary line for
both subprojects says "TInsert-2A". Whoa, where did that come from???
Changing the 'Title' or file name doesn't appear to make a difference.
The only thing I can think of is that I vaguely recall naming the two
files "TInsert-2A" sometime in the past, maybe when I originally created
the files but I'm not 100% sure.

So where does Project get the name for the inserted subprojects?



John said:
Whoa, what do you mean, "sometimes it gets it wrong"? That doesn't fly.
It has to get the information from someplace.

Apparently not quite true either.

Let me give you both a little background. Cheryl asked me the question
along with some other questions in a direct e-mail (I read her e-mail
before I saw her post on the newsgroup). I didn't really know the answer
so I did a little experiment. I have a file with a file name "Tinsert-4"
and another with a file name "TInsert-2". For both files both the
'Title' and 'Project summary task' say "TInsert-2". When I create a new
master file and insert both as subprojects, the insert summary line for
both subprojects says "TInsert-2A". Whoa, where did that come from???
Changing the 'Title' or file name doesn't appear to make a difference.
The only thing I can think of is that I vaguely recall naming the two
files "TInsert-2A" sometime in the past, maybe when I originally created
the files but I'm not 100% sure.

So where does Project get the name for the inserted subprojects?


From some internal value. Sometimes it matches the file name, sometimes the
project summary task, sometimes the title. It is not consistant. Since you
have no idea what the internal value is, I suggest that the title is a good
place to look. I recall that explicitly changing some of the values works.

"Sometimes it gets it wrong" implies inconsistant or, dare I say, buggy
behavior. From what you have seen that is absolutely correct.



As you can see from my little test, it didn't match any of the three
items you mentioned. Yeah, I'd say there is a bug. Now where did put
that can of Raid anyway.


Steve House

Just checked in MSP2003 and here's my results.

Created a new file with one task and saved it as "ProjFile.mpp"
Looked in File, Properties and the title is defaulted to "ProjFile". Edited
to "ProjTitle" and saved.
Displayed Project Summary Task. Task name is defaulted to "ProjTitle".
Edited via Task Information Form to read "ProjSum" and saved.
Closed file.
Created new project file and used Insert Project to insert the previous
The inserted file appears as a summary task with the name "ProjSum" Can't
say it works this way 100% all the time but it is consistent with the
results I expected and have seen previously so I would go with the notion
that it picks up the name from the project summary task of the embedded


I am not surprised at the results you got with your test. I normally get
a similar result when I build a master file. However, so far no one has
been able to explain the results I got with my latest test (i.e. the
inserted project summary line name doesn't correspond with anything).
And that is exactly what the original poster (Cheryl) was asking about.
Jack's answer about the result being inconsistent is only partially
correct. It doesn't provide an explanation for the result I got and
that's what bugs me because it tells me there is some algorithm that
determines what the inserted project's summary line name will be.
Fortunately it is not a big deal. I just hoped I could find the answer.


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