You might use an update query. For your very specific example that could look
like the following.
UPDATE YourTable
SET YourField = Replace([YourField],"-","-0")
WHERE YourField LIKE "B09-###"
==Create a new query
==Add your table
==Add your field
==Set the criteria under field to be changed to
LIKE "B09-###"
==SELECT Query: Update from the menu
==In the Update to "box" under the field enter
The above assumes you are using Access 2000 or later. And if you are using
Access 2000 that it is patched to SP-3 level.
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
In a table I have a textfield containg data like B09-001, B09-002 etc.
Now I am almost at B09-999, so I like to insert a "0" so that the data look
like B09-0001, B09-0002, B09-0999 etc.
How can I do that with a update-query?