Inserting a Field based on another Table




I am creating a form and would like to display records from two different
tables on one form. How is it done?

Thank you,

kevin watkins


It depends on what you are trying to accomplish. I would
guess that sub form is the best. Since you can filter a
sub form based on the selection of the main form. The
relationship would need to be established so that the two
tables know how they relate. So if in one table you had
catagory id as primary key, then in the other table you
would have catagory id as foriegn key. Then when you
select a catagory id in the form. The sub form could be
set to sort by catagory foriegn key and display only the

Hope this gets you started.



Thank you for your input. I know I should have elaborated more about what I
am trying to do but I must admit it's a tie between laziness and busyness.

I have two tables:

I have created a form to display relevant Fields in the Contact_Info but I
would also like to display three Fields from the Membership_Info table. Is
there a way of doing that without using the Sub Form? If not, then how could
I make the Sub Form look as if it's a "part" of the form and not a sun form
(scroll bars and record navigation buttons).

Thank you,

----- Original Message -----
From: "kevin watkins" <>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.access.forms
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 2:33 PM
Subject: Inserting a Field based on another Table

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