Inserting a Hyperlink to a File


OneNote Fan

Here is a workaround for those trying to insert a hyperlink in OneNote to a
file on your computer. In an MS Word document select Insert>hyperlink. Then
select the file and insert the hyperlink into the MS Word document. Now copy
and paste the hyperlink to your OneNote note. The hyperlink format is
retained and you can link directly to the spreadsheet or other document from
It's a little cumbersome but it works.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Even simpler is dragging in from Explorer. With SP1 you get a handy popup
menu asking how you want the file inserted.

OneNote Fan

Even better. Thanks for the info.

Erik Sojka (MVP) said:
Even simpler is dragging in from Explorer. With SP1 you get a handy popup
menu asking how you want the file inserted.


Dragging a JPEG from Explorer inserts the image not the hyperlink. The MS
Word workaround works in this situation. Clearly a more robust linking
function within the ON app, the PC and network destinations would be very

Roger Wilkerson

OneNote said:
Here is a workaround for those trying to insert a hyperlink in OneNote to a
file on your computer. In an MS Word document select Insert>hyperlink. Then
select the file and insert the hyperlink into the MS Word document. Now copy
and paste the hyperlink to your OneNote note. The hyperlink format is
retained and you can link directly to the spreadsheet or other document from
It's a little cumbersome but it works.

Even easier is to use one of the freeware tools such
as "Copy path to clipboard" or "ClipName", both of which
will add the capability to your right click mouse action
in Windows explorer. ClipName will give you the option
of several formats which include copy name, copy path
and even encode in url format or word url format.

Works great. Now I'm looking for something like tiny
url that will shorten the url.


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