Inserting a link



I have a table linked one-to-many with another table. I will call them
tblMain and tblDetails. They are the record sources for forms frmMain and
fsubDetails, which are set up as form/subform. The purpose of the subform
is to add links to files in network locations. tblDetails has an autonumber
PK, a text field (Descr) for describing the file, and a hyperlink field for
the network location. fsubDetails has text boxes bound to Descr (txtDescr)
and to the hyperlink. The form works fine for me, but I am familiar with
the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. Some of the users may not be, so I would
like to provide some instructions. I had thought an unbound form could be
made to appear with just the step-by-step instructions for inserting a
hyperlink, but I cannot find a way to pull this off.
Here is the idea. The user clicks a button to insert a link (not necessary
with every record, thus the choice) which causes the subform control to be
visible. The focus is set to txtDescr, and a message box (OK only) provides
brief instructions for that field. Then it is time to insert the hyperlink,
and I need to induce the Instructions form to appear along with the Insert
Hyperlink dialog box.
Training the operators is not really an option, at least not to the extent
of showing them how to use Universal Naming Convention rather than mapped
drive letters to insert the links, then expecting them to remember. Some
operators will use this form only occasionally, and I cannot and should not
expect them to remember details like that.
I have outlined what I have tried to do so far, but I am open to suggestion
about other approaches that may work better.

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