I want to insert a logo to the header of a document which
has an inserted number as a footer(by another macro). When
I run the below code the footer gets deleted and the logo
gets inserted to the header. What I want is to keep them
both, any suggestion? Thanks,
Sub InsertALogo()
With ActiveDocument.PageSetup
.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True
End With
With ActiveDocument.Sections.First.Headers
.InsertFile FileName:="C:\Logo.doc", _
ConfirmConversions:=False, _
Range:="", _
Link:=False, _
End With
End Sub
has an inserted number as a footer(by another macro). When
I run the below code the footer gets deleted and the logo
gets inserted to the header. What I want is to keep them
both, any suggestion? Thanks,
Sub InsertALogo()
With ActiveDocument.PageSetup
.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True
End With
With ActiveDocument.Sections.First.Headers
.InsertFile FileName:="C:\Logo.doc", _
ConfirmConversions:=False, _
Range:="", _
Link:=False, _
End With
End Sub