Inserting a Pause in a Macro


David Appleton

Is there some way to get a macro to pause while it is running so that some variable keyboard strokes can be inserted into a document, and then have the macro continue running thereafter? (The specifics are a macro for a memorandum document; I'd like to be able to pause it for the recipient's name, and again for the regarding line, but all of the other information remains the same all the time, until the macro stops at the beginning of the body of the text.)

Peter Hewett


That's generally why input forms are used. They collate all of the necessary
input in one place (the form) and all of the data is entered at one time.

The logic can then do what it must with the document and has all of the
required input to make any decisions about.

If your unsure about what a Form is or how to create one, check out the
following URL:

HTH + Cheers - Peter

Charles Kenyon

I think you are thinking Word Perfect macro here; could be wrong. Macros are
not generally used (or particularly useful) for generating a document format
and/or boilerplate text.

Look into templates, AutoText, online forms, Fill-In fields, Ask fields.
Template - a standard document format with boilerplate text (sometimes in
Online form - a template into which you can only type in specified areas.
Fill-In field - a popup that asks for information that is then inserted in
the document at the field location when a new document is created from a
Ask field - a popup that asks for information that is then inserted into a
bookmark that can be repeated elsewhere in the document using a Ref field.
Requires a macro to trigger - can be the AutoNew macro.

You can, in a macro, pop up an Input box for the user to type information.
It can then be inserted in a document where you want it, but this is
overkill for what you are describing.


Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

David Appleton said:
Is there some way to get a macro to pause while it is running so that some
variable keyboard strokes can be inserted into a document, and then have the
macro continue running thereafter? (The specifics are a macro for a
memorandum document; I'd like to be able to pause it for the recipient's
name, and again for the regarding line, but all of the other information
remains the same all the time, until the macro stops at the beginning of the
body of the text.)

Jay Freedman

Hi, David,

Word and VBA don't work that way. There are a couple of possible

The most amateurish -- an probably the most common -- is to have the
macro call a series of InputBox statements to get one line at a time,
and store the result into the proper places in the document (which are
usually marked by bookmarks that you create in the template). Users
tend to get annoyed by the input boxes popping up and having to click
OK to close each one.

A better alternative is to create a "userform" -- a custom dialog box
-- with input areas for all the information the document needs. The
user tabs from one area to the next and fills them in, and then clicks
an OK button just once. The code of the userform then transfers all
the items to their places in the document. Tutorials on userforms are

Finally, an improvement on the userform-based document is to store the
data in "document variables" (invisible storage) and to use
DocVariable fields to display their values wherever they're needed in
the document. Bookmarks are easily deleted by mistake, but the fields
are more robust.


Hi David,

I think you have not really exlpored the possibilities offered by Word.
People always complain that WP is so much better, but they do not know how
Word works. You cannot expect two different software to be identical!
While I agree that WP does some stuff better that Word, it does not mean
that Word is totally useless. If there is one thing Word is better at than
WP, it is macros and connection to other softwares....

Actually, in your particular case, you do not even need a macro.

Look into producing a template.

For exemple:
Write all the static text (From, To, Object, etc.) on the document;
Create the paragrpah styles that goes with each section of text;
In the space where the variable text goes (name of writer, recipient, etc.)
put a macrobutoon field: {MACROBUTTON nomacro "Recipient's name"} (you will
have to use CTRL-F9 to insert a pair of {}, then you can type or copy/paste
the text between the {});
Save the document as a template;
Put it in the default Workgroup template folder (See "Tools" menu, "option",
"Default folder" tab...);
Now, all the attorneys have to do is "File", "New" and select the template
to create a memo;
Then, use F11 to navigate form one macrobutton field to the next (F11 to go
to the first one, type the appropriate text, F11 to go to the second one,
For more on this, check out the Word MVp website:

You also have all the ideas Charles and Jay discussed in their reply to your
first post.

If you want, to make it even easier to create a memo on the fly, you can
create a simple macro that will make the template available from a toolbar
button (i.e. start a memo from one click). But for this, you need to be a
little more comfortable with the difference between user templates (such as
the memo one I suggested above) and global templates (templates used to
store macros used by all users, and available regardless of the document
being edited at any particular point in time).

Finally, you could use a macro to do exactly like you did in WP, (it is just
that the procedure would be slightly different, look for info on Userforms
at the MVP website:

Whatever you do, you will have to learn something new, you cannot expect to
use all the WP tricks and methods you are used to under WP with Word....

Sorry if I come out a bit strong, it is just that for months now I have been
waiting patiently for an opportunity to let go of my frustration regading
these comments (i.e., WP is so much better than Word). It is just that
usually, these comments come from people who do not know how Word works, and
exepct Word to be exactly like WP, and if it isn't, then it means that Word
is scrap. While I will not be the first one in line to praise Word for all
its glory, I cannot stand by anymore while people who do not know a product
too well knock it just because it is different from what they are accustomed
to with another product (therefore difficult or not as simple as WP in the
sense that they have to relearn from scratch stuff that used to be easy or
simple because it had already been learned with WP).

It is like going to Buthan and complaining that the steak and fries is a
little weird... or that Mongolian wine is lacking in bouquet and aroma!

Again, do not take this last bit personally.

Jean-Guy Marcil
(e-mail address removed)

David Appleton said:
Well, yes, I am coming from a WordPerfect environment; owing to the client
pressure, we are having to switch to Word. I am in the process of trying to
figure out how to get what we do (frequently using macros) in WordPerfect to
happen in Word.
The attorneys here create a huge number of memos. We have (in WP) a macro
that centers and types in the heading "Memorandum", then inserts a couple of
hard returns, types "TO:" and tabs over, pauses to allow us to type in the
name of the recipient, after which we can hit "Enter" and the macro
continues, by entering a couple more hard returns, typing "FROM", tabbing
over and inserting the name of the sender, entering a couple more hard
returns, typing "DATE:", tabbing over and inserting the date, entering a
couple more hard returns, typing "RE:", tabbing over, pausing to allow us to
type in the subject matter of the memo, after which we hit "Enter" and the
macro continues, enters a couple more hard returns, draws a horizontal line,
enters a couple more hard returns and a tab, and then ends. All of which
allows us to click one button (on the toolbar, to run the macro), type in a
recipient, type in a subject, and then begin typing the memo, all without
having to hand type in all that other stuff that remains the same from memo
to memo.
I'm sorry that Word doesn't seem to be able to do that (at least not
simply or efficiently). It's one of the things that's kept me in
WordPerfect all these years.

Charles Kenyon

Word _can_ do what you want, more efficiently than WP, in this case.
However, you have a different toolbox. Look at the help on the topics I
mentioned earlier. What follows is standard advice I offer someone
converting from WP to Word.

Word and Word Perfect work very differently from one another. Each program's
methods have strengths and weaknesses; but, if you try to use one of these
programs as if it were the other, it is like pushing on a string! You can
easily make a lot of extra work for yourself. If you are unwilling to take
the time to learn to use Word's methods, you should stick to using Word Pad.
You'll have a lot less grief, although you'll miss out on a lot of raw

for information on Word for Word Perfect users.

For more:

In Word 2000 (or later) You can get the function keys to display in a
special toolbar at the bottom of the screen if you want (something like
pressing F3 twice in WP). The following macro will do this.
Sub ShowMeFunctionKeys()
Commandbars("Function Key Display").Visible = True
End Sub

Learn about Styles - really learn! <URL:> I resisted for years and
now regret every day of those years because although that string was still
very hard to push, it kept getting longer and longer, and had some very
important projects tied to it! (This last link is not currently available
but should be within a week.)

For storing text boilerplate (including tables, pictures, and some
formatting, look into AutoText) instead of macros.

Word Perfect sets up its files as something to be sent to the printer from
start to end and has "Start Bold" and "End Bold" codes, etc. Word is more
like a set of Chinese boxes, with the formatting of the innermost box being
affected by the surrounding boxes.

Like you, and most people, I suspect, I really hated Word when I first had
to start using it after years with WP. I've come to have a grudging respect
for its power and flexibility. I strongly recommend that you invest at least
1/2-hour a day for the next month learning how to use Word. You'll find that
your increased productivity will more than make up for the time spent within
a week. You'll also have decreasing frustration and pain during the rest of
your time. Feel free to come back to these newsgroups with problems or for
further tips.

Send me an email at (e-mail address removed) and I'll send you a
sample letterhead template that will knock your socks off. It is designed so
that changes in the letterhead are reflected in any new documents based on
the template (or any of its derivative templates). It also lets the user
pull address information from old letters.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

David Appleton said:
Well, yes, I am coming from a WordPerfect environment; owing to the client
pressure, we are having to switch to Word. I am in the process of trying to
figure out how to get what we do (frequently using macros) in WordPerfect to
happen in Word.
The attorneys here create a huge number of memos. We have (in WP) a macro
that centers and types in the heading "Memorandum", then inserts a couple of
hard returns, types "TO:" and tabs over, pauses to allow us to type in the
name of the recipient, after which we can hit "Enter" and the macro
continues, by entering a couple more hard returns, typing "FROM", tabbing
over and inserting the name of the sender, entering a couple more hard
returns, typing "DATE:", tabbing over and inserting the date, entering a
couple more hard returns, typing "RE:", tabbing over, pausing to allow us to
type in the subject matter of the memo, after which we hit "Enter" and the
macro continues, enters a couple more hard returns, draws a horizontal line,
enters a couple more hard returns and a tab, and then ends. All of which
allows us to click one button (on the toolbar, to run the macro), type in a
recipient, type in a subject, and then begin typing the memo, all without
having to hand type in all that other stuff that remains the same from memo
to memo.
I'm sorry that Word doesn't seem to be able to do that (at least not
simply or efficiently). It's one of the things that's kept me in
WordPerfect all these years.

David Appleton

I think you have not really exlpored the possibilities offered by Word.
People always complain that WP is so much better, but they do not know how
Word works. You cannot expect two different software to be identical!
While I agree that WP does some stuff better that Word, it does not mean
that Word is totally useless. If there is one thing Word is better at than
WP, it is macros and connection to other softwares....

Where did I ever say that Word was "totally useless", or even partially "useless"? I _don't_ know how Word works in a lot of cases, which is why I took the time to come to this forum to ask. The short answer I received is that "Word ... do[es]n't work that way." Well, I already knew that!
Look into producing a template.
For exemple:
Write all the static text (From, To, Object, etc.) on the document;
Create the paragrpah styles that goes with each section of text;
In the space where the variable text goes (name of writer, recipient, etc.)
put a macrobutoon field: {MACROBUTTON nomacro "Recipient's name"} (you will
have to use CTRL-F9 to insert a pair of {}, then you can type or copy/paste
the text between the {});
Save the document as a template;
Put it in the default Workgroup template folder (See "Tools" menu, "option",
"Default folder" tab...);
Now, all the attorneys have to do is "File", "New" and select the template
to create a memo;
Then, use F11 to navigate form one macrobutton field to the next (F11 to go
to the first one, type the appropriate text, F11 to go to the second one,

Have _you_ ever tried to teach an attorney how to work a computer? I have. That's one of the reasons I learned to write macros in WordPerfect, and why I am trying to learn them in Word; so that I can put a button on an attorney's toolbar that will "walk" him through what he needs to do. I'll be trying your suggestion out, because it may very well do that. But it's got to be pretty intuitive to an _attorney_, not just me, and they've got a different mindset. (One of my favorite legal quotes of all time is the response from the Dean of the Harvard Law School when asked how they teach their students the law: "Oh, we don't teach them the law. We teach them to think like lawyers.")
For more on this, check out the Word MVp website:

I appreciate all of the suggestions and websites, and will be checking them out as my time permits.
Whatever you do, you will have to learn something new, you cannot expect to
use all the WP tricks and methods you are used to under WP with Word....
Sorry if I come out a bit strong, it is just that for months now I have been
waiting patiently for an opportunity to let go of my frustration regading
these comments (i.e., WP is so much better than Word). It is just that
usually, these comments come from people who do not know how Word works, and
exepct Word to be exactly like WP, and if it isn't, then it means that Word
is scrap. While I will not be the first one in line to praise Word for all
its glory, I cannot stand by anymore while people who do not know a product
too well knock it just because it is different from what they are accustomed
to with another product (therefore difficult or not as simple as WP in the
sense that they have to relearn from scratch stuff that used to be easy or
simple because it had already been learned with WP).

Where did _I_ say I "expect Word to be exactly like WP"? My first five minutes in using Word demonstrated quite thoroughly to me that they are not. On the other hand, I _do_ expect to be able to reach the same results in Word and WordPerfect, even if the path to get there is different. They are both word processing programs; I should be able to create documents in each that come out looking nearly identical to each other.


Charles Kenyon

I'm an attorney. Perhaps passing on my previous post will get you some
needed time.


Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

David Appleton said:
It's less a matter of willingness than the amount of time I have to do it.
I work for three attorneys; I have a very limited amount of time in my day
to spend trying to fumble around through the ins and outs of learning how to
do in Word what I've been doing for years with a couple of keystrokes. We
are making the switch to Word before very long, and I am trying to get
"ahead of the curve" by putting off some of the work clogging my desk now to
try to learn how to streamline a lot of the daily tasks that I know I'm
going to be facing. But I can only put off so much for so long, and usually
not very much of either.
<Text and URLs snipped>

I appreciate the links, and will be visiting them as time permits.

I have saved the newsgroups as a "favorite", and expect to be back
periodically, as time permits and as I need answers I cannot figure out or
get answered from Help in Word.

Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi Dave,

You quoted me in your quite to the point reply, and I thank you for it.
Please, read again the third paragraph from the end in which I explain that
I was using your post as an springboard to write about something that has
been on my mind for a long time because of a lot of posts I have read. Yours
was actually the least "aggravating" of them all, but it was the proverbial
straw that broke the camel's back! And I finished my post with a plea for
you not to feel personally "attacked".
It is my fault for not being clear enough on those points. Sorry if I
offended you, but it was more of a personal "liberating" exercise than a
comment about you personally.
I guess my use of the generic "you" was easily misinterpreted as the
accusative "you" and this is my fault. I thought that the use of "they" made
that point clear enough, but I was wrong!
Again, sorry about all that, I really did not mean to complain about you or
your personnal situation as described in your post!

David Appleton said:
I think you have not really exlpored the possibilities offered by Word.
People always complain that WP is so much better, but they do not know how
Word works. You cannot expect two different software to be identical!
While I agree that WP does some stuff better that Word, it does not mean
that Word is totally useless. If there is one thing Word is better at than
WP, it is macros and connection to other softwares....

Where did I ever say that Word was "totally useless", or even partially "useless"?
I _don't_ know how Word works in a lot of cases, which is why I took the time
to come to this forum to ask. The short answer I received is that "Word ....
do[es]n't work that way." Well, I already knew that!

You did not say that Word was totally useless, but I wrote "People always
complain..." The whole paragraph was generic, not about you.
I guess I got a little frustratd because you got some very good advice from
Charles and Peter but your reply seemed to indicate that you were
dissatisfied with Word and never tried it all those years because you
expected said:
Have _you_ ever tried to teach an attorney how to work a computer?
I have. That's one of the reasons I learned to write macros in WordPerfect,
and why I am trying to learn them in Word; so that I can put a button on an
attorney's toolbar that will "walk" him through what he needs to do. I'll be
trying your suggestion out, because it may very well do that. But it's got to
be pretty intuitive to an _attorney_, not just me, and they've got a different
mindset. (One of my favorite legal quotes of all time is the response from
the Dean of the Harvard Law School when asked how they teach their
students the law: "Oh, we don't teach them the law. We teach them to
think like lawyers.")

I can sympathize, I often deal with flashy board secretaries from big
companies... from what you write, a lot of them are very similar to
I appreciate all of the suggestions and websites, and will be checking them out as my time permits.

Where did _I_ say I "expect Word to be exactly like WP"? My first five minutes
in using Word demonstrated quite thoroughly to me that they are not. On the other
hand, I _do_ expect to be able to reach the same results in Word and WordPerfect,
even if the path to get there is different. They are both word processing programs; I
should be able to create documents in each that come out looking nearly identical to
each other.

You are quite right, you never wrote that you expected Word to be exactly
like WP. Again, I wrote "these comments come from people who ...", it was
generic, not about you.
Indeed, once you get the hang of it, you will be able "to create documents
in each that come out looking nearly identical to each other."

Have a great day, and holler back if you need help with your project.

Bruce Brown


You may be sweating the small stuff because fax and memo templates are
relatively simple matters thanks to the great advice here you've been
given here. For legal work, though, what will probably demand your
attention in much larger quantities is numbering, especially outline

What used to be a snap in WordPerfect will now take on a nightmarish
quality during your learning phase - and long thereafter. That's a

When you have the time, this site will give you a nice clear picture
of the best way to set up outline numbering:

The microsoft.public.word.numbering thread is where to turn with your
questions about numbering.

Below is a long piece that I occasionally post on that thread. It
attempts to answer the most basic questions a Word newbie may have
about numbering, as well as suggest ways of getting real solutions in
response to your posts. Hope you find it of some value.


Some posts sink into the abyss, ignored, while others attract answers
like magnets. Which will yours be?

Numbering posts that go unanswered usually demand TOO MUCH GUESSWORK.
Here are some things you shouldn't be making others guess at.

IS YOUR LIST SIMPLE OR OUTLINE NUMBERED? (A lot of people don't know
the difference.)

Simple numbering has only one level and is independent of other lists.

1. Apples
2. Oranges
3. Pears

i. Liberte
ii. Egalite
iii. Fraternite

* Butter
* Bullets

Outline numbering can have up to nine levels, with each higher level
depending on lower levels for its starting value. YOU NEED A

1. Apples
1.1 Skin
(a) Color
(b) Thickness
1.2 Harvest
(a) Equipment
(b) Season
(i) Spring
(ii) Summer
2. Oranges
2.1 Skin


* Grabbing numbers and bullets off the Formatting toolbar can be
dangerous because lists created this way often get broken up later on.
It's much safer to use actual styles from the styles collection,
avoiding the toolbar numbers/bullets altogether.
* The easiest, most reliable way to do simple 1,2,3 lists is with the
five built-in List Number styles.
* The easiest, most reliable way to do outline numbering is with the
built-in Heading styles 1-9.
* The easiest, most reliable way to do bullets is with the five
built-in List Bullet styles.




This is the single most important fact of all. Are you using . . . ?

* Outline numbered styles such as the built-in Heading 1-9 styles? Or
user-defined styles?
* List number styles such as List Number, List Number 2, etc.?
* Bulleted styles such as List Bullet, List Bullet 2, etc.?
* 1,2,3 numbering from the Formatting toolbar that shows up as Normal
style but works like an outline when tabbed? or its equally deadly
twin sister, List Styles?
* the { LISTNUM } field, the { SEQ } field or some other field?

Unless you specify exactly how you're creating numbers, it's next to
impossible to help you.

HOW MANY LEVELS ARE THERE? (Simple lists have but one level.)


Do NOT go to the outline numbering dialog through Format > Bullets and
Numbering! Instead, put your cursor on the first level heading style
and edit the style regardless of the level you want to change. The
correct access is: Format > Style > Modify > Format > Numbering >
Customize > More.


Note the big difference between level 3 and levels 1-2:

1. Registration.
1.1 Dates. Registration dates are October 2-5, 2007.
(a) Alternative dates may be announced later.

Levels 1-2 have short titles that may need to be captured for your
Table of Contents, while level 3 has no titles to capture. The
treatment may be completely different.

You should always indicate when your numbering has to be
cross-referenced or indexed for a table of contents, table of
authorities, etc., because that requirement is the horse that draws
the numbering cart.


1. Registration.
1.1 Dates. Registration dates are October 2-5, 2007.
(a) Alternative dates may be announced later.

1. blah
1.1 blah
(a) blah


* What version of Word are you using?
* What kind of document is this? a legal document? a manual? a term
* How far along the way are you? almost finished? just starting?
somewhere in between? Different solutions may apply depending on how
much of the work is already done.
* Do you know VBA or are you trying to learn?


One is hard enough to solve. When you ask for multiple solutions to
multiple problems, as if from a shopping list, you're liable to get
nothing in return.


People won't wade through pages and pages of background. Just the
facts, ma'am.

u kin bett yur botum dolalr tht messajes lik tihs wnto git 2 Minnie

If at first you don't succeed, rewrite and post again. Spell it out.
Draw pictures. This is what I'm getting, this is what I need. When
your question becomes understandable someone will eventually respond -
but not until then. And after posting it's a good idea to come back
and check the thread for a few weeks; answers often arrive weeks late.

Jay Freedman said:
Hi, David,

Word and VBA don't work that way. There are a couple of possible

The most amateurish -- an probably the most common -- is to have the
macro call a series of InputBox statements to get one line at a time,
and store the result into the proper places in the document (which are
usually marked by bookmarks that you create in the template). Users
tend to get annoyed by the input boxes popping up and having to click
OK to close each one.

A better alternative is to create a "userform" -- a custom dialog box
-- with input areas for all the information the document needs. The
user tabs from one area to the next and fills them in, and then clicks
an OK button just once. The code of the userform then transfers all
the items to their places in the document. Tutorials on userforms are

Finally, an improvement on the userform-based document is to store the
data in "document variables" (invisible storage) and to use
DocVariable fields to display their values wherever they're needed in
the document. Bookmarks are easily deleted by mistake, but the fields
are more robust.
that some variable keyboard strokes can be inserted into a document,
and then have the macro continue running thereafter? (The specifics
are a macro for a memorandum document; I'd like to be able to pause it
for the recipient's name, and again for the regarding line, but all of
the other information remains the same all the time, until the macro
stops at the beginning of the body of the text.)

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