Inserting a picture into the body of an Outlook email hangs up



These just started today. Two problems (Office Professional Edition 2003):

1. Outlook doesn't really stop running when I exit it. If I try to start
Outlook again, I receive an error. I then have to use the office Tools option
'Application Recovery Tool' to exit the program and report the problem to

2. When I attempt to insert a picture from a file into the body of an email
(and, yes, it is html format), the program hangs up. I have had not problem
with this option since I installed it a year ago. Suddenly, this is causing

Do I need to uninstall Office completely and then re-install? If so, how do
I insure that what I currently have access to on my hard drive is retained in
the newly installed programs?


Matt Sereno

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Reinstalling usually doesn't fix the most common Outlook problems because the
data and settings files are not deleted and recreated. Have you tried
running Detect and Repair? You can find it on the Help menu.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Thank you for your help. Yes, I have run Detect and Repair ... several times
as I encountered these problems.

Truthfully, I have had problems with earlier versions of Outlook in the past
(earlier than 2003) and the fact that this version is giving me problems is
not really surprising; but it is annoying. It seems that Outlook, over time,
develops procedural problems. I don't know why. Having been a mainframe
programmer/analyst/systems person for many years, this confuses me.

If anyone else has any suggestions/fixes, I would appreciate hearing them.
If reinstalling the software will not result in the proper fixes, I can't
imagine what might.

I rely heavily on Outlook; both for receiving and sending emails, managing
tasks, etc. Afrer spending $600+ for this software, it seems to me that it
could be more dependable/reliable than it is. I also find it reprehensible
that Microsoft has the utter audicity to charge for email technical support
on products that, clearly, are not stable. If I had even attempted that with
faulty software I developed, my customers would have my head on a platter.

In addition, I have and consistently run anti-virus and anti-spyware
software; which are current and up-to-date with the most current threat

Thanks again.

Matt Sereno

John Ondrack

Good Morning, I thought I would weigh in on this issue. I have noticed
both of the problems you reported Matt, and what I find interesting is the
fact that my problems began as yours did on April 19th!

I too use Office Professional Edition 2003. I keep it fully patched. I
have not consciously installed any add-ins. This product is my life line
and this is very frustrating. The problem with the insertion of a picture
is inconvenient, but the problem with Outlook not properly shutting down is
plain maddening and has accelerated in occurrence frequency. It didn't
happen every time, and now it does.

The cause of the improper shutdowns I suspected to be McAfee and
particularly the SpamKiller app'n, but this second problem with picture
insertions, makes me discount that theory.

I will keep an eye on this thread, and source a fix post the results.


John Ondrack

Just to say thanks Matt. I applied the Share-to-Web Software resolution
suggested in MS Article 918165 and all is well. b-t-w I do have a host of
the HP software and hardware quoted in that article.

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