Hi Enid -
Just to make sure there's no misunderstanding

pictures can't actually be
inserted into cells. They "float" on the surface of the sheet. Also, the
"size" of a cell can vary based on formatting applied to it.
Keeping those points in mind, images are always inserted at whatever
dimensions the image file has been created. If you want them larger or
smaller you have to resize them yourself once you insert them into the file.
See Excel Help on the topic: Resize an object.
Another point to consider, however, is what file type the image is. Vector
graphics (PNG, PDF, Clip Art) are stretchable without causing them to
distort. Raster images (pictures, such as JPEG, TIFF) will get jaggy or
blurry if resized more than a small amount, and even if they look OK on
screen they won't print very well.
HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac