Inserting a row



I cannot seem to insert a row of blanks in the middle of a spread
sheet. I am using Office 04 and it no longer support the "Option i"
But I cannot do as the Help suggests which is to click on a blank
space below where you want the inserted line to appear.


JE McGimpsey

I cannot seem to insert a row of blanks in the middle of a spread
sheet. I am using Office 04 and it no longer support the "Option i"
But I cannot do as the Help suggests which is to click on a blank
space below where you want the inserted line to appear.


One way:

XL Help ("Insert blank rows") says to select the cell below which you
want the blank row, then choose Insert/Row from the Menu.

Opt-i never inserted rows, AFAICR. You can type CTRL-i, then select the
Entire Row radio button (or just type CMD-e) followed by Return.

OTOH, you could easily make a keyboard shortcut: Choose
Tools/Customize/Customize Keyboard... Choose Insert from the Categories
listbox, and Rows from the Insert listbox. In the "Press new shortcut
key" inputbox, type CTRL-OPT-i (or whatever combo you want) and click

You could also CTRL- or right-click the cell below which you want a
blank line, and choose Insert... from the contextual menu, choosing
Entire Row as above.

Or you could assign the Insert/Row command to the contextual menu so
that it comes up when you CTRL- or right-click:

Type opt-F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor, type CMD-g to open the
Immediate Window, then type or paste in this line, followed by a Return:

Commandbars("Cell").Controls.Add id:=296, Before:=5

Type opt-F11 to return to XL. Now when you right-click cell(s), you'll
see "Rows" in the contextual menu, which will insert row(s).

There are many other ways - post back if none of these work for you.

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