To add the address book icon to the Insert Menu, drag it
to the menu at the top of the screen, not the one in the
Cusotmize dialog box.
Word can use the Outlook address book and the personal
address book. I am still mystified as to where the
personal address book comes from. I use Outlook contacts,
which can work quite well. If you are not using Outlook
Contacts, you can probably move or copy contacts from
wherever they are to Outlook Contacts. Generally speaking
you would export them from the source program into a text
file or .csv file, then from there into Outlook.
When I have to do this I export to a .csv file (or to a
text file, and rename it later as a .csv file). Excel
opens the .csv file, and I clean up the data, including
adding heading to the columns. Save that file, then
import it into Outlook Contacts (File > Import). Use the
dialog box to map the fields.
I could not say for sure why you are only getting the
name, but if you have all of the address fields filled in
in Outlook Contacts you should be able to insert them all
at once.
To assign a keyboard shortcut to the address book, at the
Customize dialog click Keyboard. In the left pane select
Insert, and in the right pane select InsertAddress. Click
in the Press Shortcut Key box, and press a combination.
By the way, I would not use Ctrl + [letter] for any custom
shortcuts, as many of those simple combinations are
already used for common functions in Word. I favor at
least Ctrl + Alt + [letter] (or Ctrl + Shift, or Ctrl +
Alt + Shift). The icon need not be in the Insert menu, or
on the toolbar. The keyboard shortcut is independent of
the icon's location.
If more information is needed, provide details about the
source of the addresses.
-----Original Message-----
To clarify:
When I clicked on the newly-created address book icon, I
got a very simple looking dialog box titled "select
name". The first option is "Show Names from the" and a
drop-down list, the only choice on which is "Contacts".
The only other options are new, properties, find, OK,
The other, apparently main, address book is more fully
featured, and displays the full list of 700 names that I
imported from a Corel WordPerfect address book.
The weird thing is, I can't seem to get to that main
address book off of any menu or icon. Of course, you now
ask, well, how the hell are you finding it? I'm using a
voice-recognition software package called Dragon
NaturallySpeaking, and one of its built-in commands
is "start address book". It could be that what I am
starting is actually the Outlook address book. Into this
more fully featured address book I can import at will,
creating the fully featured list that I need.
If that's the case, how do I get the address book icon in
Microsoft Word (which you told me how to create) to go to
that more fully featured address book for selecting names,
and inserting addresses.?
Also, in the simpler one, I went back into the entries I
had created there, and put the address under the business
address instead of the home address, and now when I
clicked the OK button, the name and address magically
appear in the document. In this simpler address book, I
don't seem to be able to have any option to import a list
of names from another address book. Most frustrating
I feel like I'm getting closer, but still not quite there.
Also, because most of my clients are disabled users,
using the mouse is quite difficult if not impossible, so I
need to know how to open the address book with keyboard
shortcuts instead of mouse clicks.