inserting blank line



I have a template which has a userform for the user to choose which type of
the form has a dropdown and formfield("text13")

For 2 of the types I hide the dropdown and the formfield.

For the other type when I display the dropdown and formfield, I need to
insert a blank line before my next paragrapgh.

In my macro I populate 1 text field and then need to insert the blank line:
I've tried the insertafter as seen here but to no avail.
Sub NoRefPPD()
ActiveDocument.FormFields("Para2").Result = "Enclosed, please find a copy of
the report stating that you have reached Maximum Medical Improvement from the
" & _
"above-noted injury."
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Text13").Range.InsertAfter (Chr(13))
End Sub

How can I insert a blank line or additional carriage return after ("Text13") ?


Doug Robbins - Word MVP


ActiveDocument.FormFields("Para2").Result = "Enclosed, please find a copy of
the report stating that you have reached Maximum Medical Improvement from
" & _
"above-noted injury." & vbCr

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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