Inserting conditional text



Is there a way in which I can insert text (say a paragraph or two) if a condition is met in a previous field?
For example, I have a document which acts as a quote form, if I insert the brand name "DAIKIN" in the brand field, I want a paragraph of text to appear further down which extols the virtues of the DAIKIN brand. If I insert "CONAIC" instead, the text extolling CONAIC virtues will be quite different.

I anticipate I will need at least 5 alternative descriptions to match the variety of brands. Is there a way to achieve this without having multiple documents or typing it all in longhand.........

Greg Maxey


You could do this with nested IF fields.

Bookmark the Brand Name field. In the decriptive field use a nested IF
field. Here is a short example:

{ IF BrandName = "Daikin" "Daiken is a generic ......." "{ IF BrandName =
"CONAIC" "Concia is a relatively new brand ...t" "{ IF BrandName = "Advil"
"Take two and call me in the moring" "Not a valid brand name" }" } }

Greg Maxey
A peer in "peer to peer" support
Rockledge, FL
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