Inserting Encirlced Numbers



Hi, I wanted to how how can you get Encircled numbers in Word 2007. I know
that you can go to Symbols and in Arial Unicode MS there are 1-20 encircled
numbers. But i also know that there is an easier way to do it. Please help me
in this regard. Thanks

Jay Freedman

Hi, I wanted to how how can you get Encircled numbers in Word 2007. I know
that you can go to Symbols and in Arial Unicode MS there are 1-20 encircled
numbers. But i also know that there is an easier way to do it. Please help me
in this regard. Thanks

You "know" wrong. There is not an easier way, only harder ways (for
example, using the drawing tools to draw a circle around regular text,
or a circular AutoShape into which you insert text).

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