Harlan Grove
Inspired by the thread on formula editing in Word 2007, I thought I'd
check out what equation editing looked like in Excel 2007. Ribbon >
Insert > Object, selected Microsoft Equation 3.1, and Voilà, no more
@#$% ribbon! Just the same command bar-less worksheet view as in Excel
2003 with the floating formula symbol pallet. So much for the
permanence of the ribbon in the new UI. Now all that's needed is to
figure out if there's any way to get rid of it without having to edit
Automation objects.
check out what equation editing looked like in Excel 2007. Ribbon >
Insert > Object, selected Microsoft Equation 3.1, and Voilà, no more
@#$% ribbon! Just the same command bar-less worksheet view as in Excel
2003 with the floating formula symbol pallet. So much for the
permanence of the ribbon in the new UI. Now all that's needed is to
figure out if there's any way to get rid of it without having to edit
Automation objects.