inserting extra writing space: annotations left behind!



Hi all,

I tend to annotate a lot while i take my class notes. (arrows, brackets,
diagrams, words) This creates a lot of small note containers on my page.
(within a BIG main note container) This is ok with me, but whenever I try to
insert extra writing space in between paragraphs, all these tiny note
containers are then left behind!
Since I have so many of these little handwritings, it is difficult for me to
manually move these tiny note containers.

I realize that sometimes when I annotate, a note container is not created
and the handwriting sticks alongside with the typings and they move together
when I insert space. However, sometimes note containers are created. It is
confusing as sometimes half of a word (or half of a diagram) sticks with the
typing and the latter half of it recongnized as a note container!!

Is there a way for me to set the program not to create these note
containers, so that the handwriting will be treated as typings and be moved

Thanks for ur time and I hope I presented my problem clearly enough!

Lori :)


This is a wonderful product. But I am having the same issue and am keen to
see if any MVPs would care to respond.

How note containers are generated, is unclear to me too. It is difficult to
move containers around when they are being generated without a clear
protocol. When you have a hotch-potch of containers with sentences broken up
into several containers - it is not possible to move them around into a
format that is useful.

Some clarity would be much appreciated.



The Paperless Student

I agree. OneNote insists on putting my handwritten text into paragraphs.
These separations seem arbitrary, although I’m sure there’s some sort of way
to control what it does. I found a button that lets you join two paragraphs
into one, but with another note taking product I didn’t need to do this.

One of the major advantages to digital ink is the ability to add space
between lines and move handwritten text around. When the writing is separated
into paragraphs, there’s no telling what will happen when you insert space.
Sometimes one line will be separated into two because OneNote (erroneously)
sees it as two paragraphs.

So far, the only thing I've found helpful is to click View|Show Ink Groups.
At least this gives you a better idea of what's happening while you write.

I also wish one of the MVPs would respond on this topic or point us to an
answer located elsewhere.

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