inserting file in OneNote fails but all suggested options are corr



Inserting a file in OneNote fails. I'm using the correct program, the SP1 is
installed, Microsoft Doc Imaging is installed. Any suggestions?

Ben M. Schorr, MVP

Inserting a file in OneNote fails. I'm using the correct program, the
SP1 is
installed, Microsoft Doc Imaging is installed. Any suggestions?

What kind of file is it? When you say "Fails" what specifically happens?
Specifically what steps are you taking to try and insert it?

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu


Thanks, Ben.

I was trying to insert a word document. This is within the OneNote 60 day
trial using insert document as a picture. The program says its importing
but then we get a window with tthe following Microsoft Office OneNote. (my
response to the choice is in parenthesis) "..the doc cannot be inserted. To
fix try one or more of following: 1-Is Microsoft Office 2003 installed on
your computer and can it open the document (YES) 2-Open the doc using an
office 2003 program and then convert to the office 2003 version of the
program (???) 3-Change the installation of office 2003 and install Microsoft
Doc Imaging (DId This and nothing changed) 4- password protected? (It is

Same thing happens with an excel doc

Thanks again, Nancy

Chris H.

It isn't a picture, is it? If I have OneNote open, then open Windows
Explorer in My Documents and drag and drop a *.doc file on my open OneNote
page, I have three choices - Specify how you want to insert the file: (1)
Insert a link to the original file, (2) Copy the file into my notebook and
insert a link to it or (3) Insert the file as a background picture so I can
add notes to it.

Are you seeing those options.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


Thanks Chris,

Pictures actually will insert for me. It's word docs or excel docs that
won't unless i copy and paste them. If for some reason a word doc has become
a tiff, it inserts beautifully. I tried the drag and drop and did get all
three options. Again it didn't work for word or excel docs...only picture
docs. Maybe it has to do with being the trial version. I have the software
now and will be loading next week and see what happens then.

Chris H.

I believe there's something else in action there. I'm pretty sure all items
in the trial version are fully functional. Give it a go after you have the
SP1 licensed version and see if it works. :cool:
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

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