inserting future date in date code



I send form letters using mail merge. I want to indicate an expiration date 21 days after the date the letters are printed. I don't have a clue as to how to do this and have been referring to "offer expires 21 days after todays datewhich is inserted as a date field. This is unprofessional and makes my ears red. Please help

Charles Kenyon

This is more complex than you might imagine, but it can be done. See <URL:> for information on the different
kinds of ways to make a date calculation work. It includes links to pages
with fields and an explanation of different macros that can be used instead
of fields.


Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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sdasaro said:
I send form letters using mail merge. I want to indicate an expiration
date 21 days after the date the letters are printed. I don't have a clue as
to how to do this and have been referring to "offer expires 21 days after
todays datewhich is inserted as a date field. This is unprofessional and
makes my ears red. Please help.


Method 1: If your mailmerge is based on an SQL query, add a field something
like this ...

SELECT .... (Now() + 21) As F_Date ....

Then use F_Date mergefield as your future date.

Method 2: In the template on which the form letter is based, add a macro
call AutoNew that includes this line:

ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:=F_Date,
LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeDate, Value:=Now+21

Then use a { DocProperty F_Date } field in your document.

sdasaro said:
I send form letters using mail merge. I want to indicate an expiration
date 21 days after the date the letters are printed. I don't have a clue as
to how to do this and have been referring to "offer expires 21 days after
todays datewhich is inserted as a date field. This is unprofessional and
makes my ears red. Please help.


Hi Stephen,

You can download a Word document that uses fields to do this, and more, with
dates at:
(url all one line)

If you want/need to use a macro, check out the vba DateAdd function.


sdasaro said:
I send form letters using mail merge. I want to indicate an expiration
date 21 days after the date the letters are printed. I don't have a clue as
to how to do this and have been referring to "offer expires 21 days after
todays datewhich is inserted as a date field. This is unprofessional and
makes my ears red. Please help.

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