Inserting IF field


Peter Hirst

When I try to insert an IF field in a merge document it
does not appear on screen but the 'undo' button tells me
it has been applied but nothing happens when I merge with
the data source.

Peter Jamieson

You can use Alt-F9 to "toggle" between field codes and field results. When
you see the "field codes", your IF field should appear as something like

{ IF a = b "result if true" "result is false" }

where the {} are the special field code braces that you cannot easily copy
into a newsgroup message.

You can copy/paste the content (i.e.
IF a = b "result if true" "result is false"
intoa newsgroup message here.

a. what is the content of your IF field?
b. what do you want it to do?
c. (probably worth mentioning which version of Word you are uising and what
your data source is).

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