inserting images are not pathing correctly




I have publisher 2003. I'm running into a problem where creating links and
adding images are not pathing correctly. The path being created is the path
of my pc (i.e. C://Documents and Settings/desktop/etc etc. When i initially
made the web page it was working pretty well but now I have to edit every
hyperlink I create and since you can't edit the path of the image publisher
needs to look at, any new images are broken on the web site.

I'm not sure what I changed but about a week ago every single link within my
web page changed to the path on my pc instead of
/mywebpage/documents/file.xls for example. It was a good thing I made a

Sorry if this has been addressed already in this thread but I couldn't find
anything that would help me out.

Thanks in advance!


You said that this just happened a week you have your computer set
to automatically update with MSFT patches and SPs? Are you also running
Office 2003?

What was the link path to the .xls file before it changed to
"/mywebpage/documents/file.xls"? Do you have the .xls file uploaded to your
website? Is your .xls file actually inserted into the publication in the
form of a chart or table or...? Please explain in more detail how you are
using your .xls file.

The paths to copies of the inserted images are generated each time you
Publish to the Web and produce your web pages. Even if the hyperlinks you
inserted manually are not working correctly, the paths/links to the images
will not be affected.



I keep my computer up to date as much as possible. I am running Office 2003.

I should've specified in more detail. Here's the problem. I have all of my
folders for the web page on my desktop and are identical to the folders on
the server. I edit on my desktop then save then publish to my server.
Initially when using the program the hyperlinks and images would path
correctly (i.e. mywebpage/docs/brochure.xls) But for some reason now when I
add a hyperlink the path created is c://documents and
settings/desktop/mywebpage/docs/brochure.xls) Obviously that won't work when
I send it to the server so I have to manually edit the hyperlink. The same
goes for images. But since I can't manually edit the images they won't work.
So whether the files are on the server or not (but they are) it won't work
because of this bad default path that I can't figure out how to fix. Is
there a way to tell Publisher how to default a path? A week ago when I was
looking for this it turned every link in my web site to use the path of my
desktop folders so each page was a broken link on the server after I uploaded.

Hope that makes sense.


Thanks for the details, but I am not sure of a solution. Here are some

If you are using a master page in your publication, that can result in links
pointing to the local computer. Don't use master pages in web publications.

Make sure that when you insert the hyperlink that it is indeed pointing to
your web sever, not your local computer.

Your work flow is a bit confusing to me. All edits should be made in the
Publisher publication, not in the html output. You talk about "edit on my
desktop, and then save...". In Publisher 2003, you make the changes in the
Publisher file...the web publication, and then "Publish to the Web" to
produce the html output. If you are using the default setup with the
supporting folder, then the output would be an index.htm file and an
index_files folder, which contains the supporting graphics and other .htm
files. All links or paths to those images and graphics are automatically
directed toward the index_files folder. Once you make a change in your site
on the Pub file, Publish to the Web, then you upload the new index.htm file
and the new index_files folder. It almost sounds like you are opening the
old .htm files and editing them? Yes?

As to links to .xls files, if you write them correctly in the Pub
publication, they should be correct when you Publish to the Web. You would
have to upload those .xls files separately of your Publisher html files.
They aren't uploaded automatically or included in the html output.

You don't mention whether you are using ftp or http uploading, but I am
assuming you are using ftp. If you are directing your output to your desktop
when you Publish to the web, you should be able to upload the index.htm file
and index_files folder from there, and all the links should be ok. Why they
shifted to a different path is a mystery to me unless you are using a master
page, or perhaps you tried to edit and update old .htm files, and not the
Publisher file.

Sorry I can not be more helpful. If any of this leads to a solution, please
post back.


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