inserting into a database (ASP)



I have tried to change a lot of things around to get my file working, but I
am not sure where to go from here because it is giving me an error in line

Error msg:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00936: missing expression

/sba_home/Students/Undergraduate/international/George/International/apply/after-back-up-2-16-2005-do-not-touch_Copy.asp, line 185

I marked the line in the code that is causing the error, but it is not
likely that it is the line itself that is problematic. The lines prior to
line 185 has to be missing something...

Just to get an idea, here is the form that is to facilitate data entry

The code below is to store all the data entered through the from above...

Also, I don't have much ASP knowledge so if anyone could recommand anything
to learn from that would be appreciated.


Here is the code:


<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">



<!--#include file="../access/string.asp"-->

Dim strInsert
adCmdText = 1

bannerid = request.form("BannerID")
strInsert="bannerid= '" & bannerid & "'"
lastName = request.form("Last_name")
strInsert=strInsert &", lastName= '"& lastName & "'"
firstName = request.form("First_name")
strInsert=strInsert &", firstName= '" & firstName & "'"
'nickName = request.form("nickname")
sex = request.form("Sex")
strInsert=strInsert &", sex= '" & sex & "'"
birthday = request.form("Birthdate")
strInsert=strInsert &", birthday= #" & birthday &"#"
citizen = request.form("Citizen")
strInsert=strInsert &", citizen= '" & citizen & "'"
if citizen = "Yes" then citizen = 1 else citizen = 0
major = request.form("Major")
strInsert=strInsert &", major= '" & major & "'"
creditHours = request.form("CreditHrs")
strInsert=strInsert &" creditHours "= " & creditHours & "
gpa = request.form("GPA")
strInsert=strInsert &" gpa "= " & gpa & "
tuitiontype = request.form("Tuition_Type")
strInsert=strInsert &", tuitiontype= '" & tuitiontype & "'"
Dorm = request.form("Campus_Mail")
strInsert=strInsert &" Dorm "= " & Dorm & "
if Dorm = "-1" then Dorm = 1 else Dorm = 0
localAddress = request.form("Local_Address")
strInsert=strInsert &", localAddress= '" & localAddress & "'"
localApt = request.form("Local_Apt")
strInsert=strInsert &", localApt= '" & localApt & "'"
localCity = request.form("Local_City")
strInsert=strInsert &", localCity= '" & localCity & "'"
localState = request.form("Local_State")
strInsert=strInsert &", localState= '" & localState & "'"
localZipCode = request.form("Local_Zip")
strInsert=strInsert &" localZipCode "= " & localZipCode & "
localPhoneNumber = request.form("Local_Phone")
strInsert=strInsert &", localPhoneNumber= '" & localPhoneNumber & "'"
cellPhoneNumber = request.form("Cell_Phone")
strInsert=strInsert &", cellPhoneNumber= '" & cellPhoneNumber & "'"
Email = request.form("email")
strInsert=strInsert &", Email= '" & Email & "'"
PermanentAddress = request.form("Permanent_address")
strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentAddress= '" & PermanentAddress & "'"
PermanentCity = request.form("Permanant_City")
strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentCity= '" & PermanentCity & "'"
PermanentState = request.form("Permanent_State")
strInsert=strInsert &", Permanent_State= '" & Permanent_State & "'"
PermanentZipCode = request.form("Permanent_Zip")
strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentZipCode= '" & PermanentZipCode & "'"
PermanentPhoneNumber = request.form("Permanent_Phone")
strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentPhoneNumber= '" & PermanentPhoneNumber &
overseasExp = request.form("Overseas_Experience")
strInsert=strInsert &", overseasExp= '" & overseasExp & "'"
ReasonsToTravel = request.form("Why_Attend")
strInsert=strInsert &", ReasonToTravel= '" & ReasonToTravel & "'"

Date_Submitted =date()

defered = 0

'Student Program Choice

choice1 = request.form("Choice1")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice1 "= "& choice1 &"
choice2 = request.form("Choice2")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice2 "= "& choice2 &"
choice3 = request.form("Choice3")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice3 "= "& choice3 &"
choice4 = request.form("Choice4")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice4 "= "& choice4 &"
choice5 = request.form("Choice5")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice5 "= "& choice5 &"
choice6 = request.form("Choice6")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice6 "= "& choice6 &"
choice7 = request.form("Choice7")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice7 "= "& choice7 &"

if (choice1 = "n/a") then
choice1_status = ""
choice1_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice2 = "n/a") then
choice2_status = ""
choice2_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice3 = "n/a") then
choice3_status = ""
choice3_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice4 = "n/a") then
choice4_status = ""
choice4_status = "Applied"
end if
if (choice5 = "n/a") then
choice5_status = ""
choice5_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice6 = "n/a") then
choice6_status = ""
choice6_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice7 = "n/a") then
choice7_status = ""
choice7_status = "Applied"
end if

'Student Emergency Contact Information

ecname = request.form("EC_Name")
strInsert =strInsert &", ecname= '"& ecname &"'"
ecrelationship = request.form("EC_Relationship")
strInsert =strInsert &", ecrelationship= '" & ecrelationship & "'"
ecaddress = request.form("EC_Address")
strInsert =strInsert &", ecaddress= '" & ecaddress & "'"
eccity= request.form("EC_City")
strInsert =strInsert &", eccity= '" & eccity & "'"
ecstate = request.form("EC_State")
strInsert =strInsert &", ecstate= '" & ecstate & "'"
eczip = request.form("EC_Zip")
strInsert =strInsert &", eczip= '" & eczip & "'"
echomephone = request.form("EC_HomePhone")
strInsert = strInsert &", echomephone= '" & echomephone & "'"
echomecellphone = request.form("EC_HomeCellPhone")
strInsert =strInsert &", echomecellphone= '" & echomecellphone & "'"

'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET "&strInsert
'strSQL = strSQL&" WHERE bannerid = '" & bannerid &"'"

'Response.Write"srtSQL = " & crlf & strSQL &crlf & crlf 'Debug Only

' 2006 Summer International Programs do not offer any course choices.

'Class Variables
'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET Class_Choice = '"& Class_Choice &"'
WHERE BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID
'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET Class_Choice1 = '"& Class_Choice1 &"'
WHERE BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID

'We use 2 diffrent types of INSERT statements to get the data into the db
'The first one we use for the Student data, payments, and forms tables
'the advantage of this type of insert statement is that in the first line
you only declare the
'fields that you want to insert then in the second line pass the value or
variable that you want to insert

'The second type of insert statement which we use for program choice,
emergency contact info, class choice, and, tuition type
'you do not declare the fields you want to pass you must pass some value
or variable for every row in that particular table

strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid, lastname, firstname, sex,
birthday, citizen, major, credithours, gpa, Second_Language, Dorm,
localAddress, localApt, localCity, localState, localZipCode,
localPhoneNumber, cellPhoneNumber, Email , PermanentAddress, PermanentCity,
PermanentState, PermanentZipCode, PermanentPhoneNumber, OverseasExperience,
ReasonToTravel, Info_Session, Date_Submitted) VALUES (" & bannerid & ",'" &
lastname & "','" & firstname &"','"& sex & "','" & birthday & "'," & citizen
& ",'" & major & "'," & credithours & "," & gpa & ",'" & Second_Language &
"'," & Dorm & ",'" & localAddress & "','" & localApt &"','" & localCity &
"','" & localState & "','" & localZipCode & "','" & localPhoneNumber & "','"
& cellPhoneNumber & "','" & Email & "','" & PermanentAddress & "','" &
PermanentCity & "','" & PermanentState & "','" & PermanentZipCode & "','" &
PermanentPhoneNumber & "','" & Replace(overseasExp, "'", "''") & "','" &
Replace(ReasonToTravel, "'", "''") & "','" & Info_Session & "','" &
Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"

'strInsert = strInsert & " VALUES (" & bannerid & ",'" & lastname & "','"
& firstname &"','"& sex & "','" & birthday & "'," & citizen & ",'" & major &
"'," & credithours & "," & gpa & ",'" & Second_Language & "'," & Dorm & ",'"
& localAddress & "','" & localApt &"','" & localCity & "','" & localState &
"','" & localZipCode & "','" & localPhoneNumber & "','" & cellPhoneNumber &
"','" & Email & "','" & PermanentAddress & "','" & PermanentCity & "','" &
PermanentState & "','" & PermanentZipCode & "','" & PermanentPhoneNumber &
"','" & Replace(overseasExp, "'", "''") & "','" & Replace(ReasonToTravel,
"'", "''") & "','" & Info_Session & "','" & Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"

objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student Payments table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Payments (bannerid)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student housing table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO student_data (bannerid)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student Flights table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student tuition type table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid,Tuition_Type)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ",'" & Tuition_Type
& "')"

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student Forms Table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_data (bannerid,Submit_Date)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ",'" &
Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"

'This line writes on the afterapply page to see if the info went through
to it
Response.Write strInsert

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student Program Choice Insert
db.execute("INSERT INTO Student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" &
choice1 & "','" & choice1_status & "','" & choice2 & "','" & choice2_status &
"','" & choice3 & "','" & choice3_status & "','" & choice4 & "','" &
choice4_status & "','" & choice5 & "','" & choice5_status & "','" & choice6 &
"','" & choice6_status & "','',"&defered&",'','')")

'Emergency Contact Info
db.execute("INSERT INTO Student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" & Ec_Name
& "','" & Ec_Relationship & "','" & Ec_Address & "','" & Ec_City & "','" &
Ec_State & "','" & Ec_Zip & "','" & Ec_HomePhone & "','" & Ec_HomeCellPhone &

'Class Choice
db.execute("INSERT INTO student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" &
Class_Choice & "','" & Class_Choice1 & "')")%>

<h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" color="#990000">Your application has
been successfully submitted!&nbsp; </font></h3>

<p align="center"> </p>
<h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" color="#990000">Thank you for applying
to the SBA International Programs for Summer 2006. </font></h3>

<p align="center"> </p>

<h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="3" color="#000000"><b>Don't
to fill out and turn in the </b></font></h3>

<h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="3"
Affairs Document</i> to complete the process!</b></font></h3>
<p align="center"><i><b><span lang="en-us"><font face="Verdana">For more
information or to print out copies of the forms click the link

<p align="center"><font face="Verdana"><b><i><span lang="en-us">
<a href="../../../index.html">
Summer International Programs</a></span></i></b></font></p>



MD Websunlimited

The ODBC driver that you're utilizing appears to be Oracle. Have you confirmed the SQL statement is correctly formatted for the
Oracle database?

Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97 - '02
FrontPage Add-ins Summer Promotion -
FREE Purchase J-Bots Plus 2004 & receive Meta Tag Maker 2004 a $24.95 value FREE

Red_Star20 said:
I have tried to change a lot of things around to get my file working, but I
am not sure where to go from here because it is giving me an error in line

Error msg:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00936: missing expression

/sba_home/Students/Undergraduate/international/George/International/apply/after-back-up-2-16-2005-do-not-touch_Copy.asp, line 185

I marked the line in the code that is causing the error, but it is not
likely that it is the line itself that is problematic. The lines prior to
line 185 has to be missing something...

Just to get an idea, here is the form that is to facilitate data entry:

The code below is to store all the data entered through the from above...

Also, I don't have much ASP knowledge so if anyone could recommand anything
to learn from that would be appreciated.


Here is the code:


<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">



<!--#include file="../access/string.asp"-->

Dim strInsert
adCmdText = 1

bannerid = request.form("BannerID")
strInsert="bannerid= '" & bannerid & "'"
lastName = request.form("Last_name")
strInsert=strInsert &", lastName= '"& lastName & "'"
firstName = request.form("First_name")
strInsert=strInsert &", firstName= '" & firstName & "'"
'nickName = request.form("nickname")
sex = request.form("Sex")
strInsert=strInsert &", sex= '" & sex & "'"
birthday = request.form("Birthdate")
strInsert=strInsert &", birthday= #" & birthday &"#"
citizen = request.form("Citizen")
strInsert=strInsert &", citizen= '" & citizen & "'"
if citizen = "Yes" then citizen = 1 else citizen = 0
major = request.form("Major")
strInsert=strInsert &", major= '" & major & "'"
creditHours = request.form("CreditHrs")
strInsert=strInsert &" creditHours "= " & creditHours & "
gpa = request.form("GPA")
strInsert=strInsert &" gpa "= " & gpa & "
tuitiontype = request.form("Tuition_Type")
strInsert=strInsert &", tuitiontype= '" & tuitiontype & "'"
Dorm = request.form("Campus_Mail")
strInsert=strInsert &" Dorm "= " & Dorm & "
if Dorm = "-1" then Dorm = 1 else Dorm = 0
localAddress = request.form("Local_Address")
strInsert=strInsert &", localAddress= '" & localAddress & "'"
localApt = request.form("Local_Apt")
strInsert=strInsert &", localApt= '" & localApt & "'"
localCity = request.form("Local_City")
strInsert=strInsert &", localCity= '" & localCity & "'"
localState = request.form("Local_State")
strInsert=strInsert &", localState= '" & localState & "'"
localZipCode = request.form("Local_Zip")
strInsert=strInsert &" localZipCode "= " & localZipCode & "
localPhoneNumber = request.form("Local_Phone")
strInsert=strInsert &", localPhoneNumber= '" & localPhoneNumber & "'"
cellPhoneNumber = request.form("Cell_Phone")
strInsert=strInsert &", cellPhoneNumber= '" & cellPhoneNumber & "'"
Email = request.form("email")
strInsert=strInsert &", Email= '" & Email & "'"
PermanentAddress = request.form("Permanent_address")
strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentAddress= '" & PermanentAddress & "'"
PermanentCity = request.form("Permanant_City")
strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentCity= '" & PermanentCity & "'"
PermanentState = request.form("Permanent_State")
strInsert=strInsert &", Permanent_State= '" & Permanent_State & "'"
PermanentZipCode = request.form("Permanent_Zip")
strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentZipCode= '" & PermanentZipCode & "'"
PermanentPhoneNumber = request.form("Permanent_Phone")
strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentPhoneNumber= '" & PermanentPhoneNumber &
overseasExp = request.form("Overseas_Experience")
strInsert=strInsert &", overseasExp= '" & overseasExp & "'"
ReasonsToTravel = request.form("Why_Attend")
strInsert=strInsert &", ReasonToTravel= '" & ReasonToTravel & "'"

Date_Submitted =date()

defered = 0

'Student Program Choice

choice1 = request.form("Choice1")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice1 "= "& choice1 &"
choice2 = request.form("Choice2")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice2 "= "& choice2 &"
choice3 = request.form("Choice3")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice3 "= "& choice3 &"
choice4 = request.form("Choice4")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice4 "= "& choice4 &"
choice5 = request.form("Choice5")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice5 "= "& choice5 &"
choice6 = request.form("Choice6")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice6 "= "& choice6 &"
choice7 = request.form("Choice7")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice7 "= "& choice7 &"

if (choice1 = "n/a") then
choice1_status = ""
choice1_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice2 = "n/a") then
choice2_status = ""
choice2_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice3 = "n/a") then
choice3_status = ""
choice3_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice4 = "n/a") then
choice4_status = ""
choice4_status = "Applied"
end if
if (choice5 = "n/a") then
choice5_status = ""
choice5_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice6 = "n/a") then
choice6_status = ""
choice6_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice7 = "n/a") then
choice7_status = ""
choice7_status = "Applied"
end if

'Student Emergency Contact Information

ecname = request.form("EC_Name")
strInsert =strInsert &", ecname= '"& ecname &"'"
ecrelationship = request.form("EC_Relationship")
strInsert =strInsert &", ecrelationship= '" & ecrelationship & "'"
ecaddress = request.form("EC_Address")
strInsert =strInsert &", ecaddress= '" & ecaddress & "'"
eccity= request.form("EC_City")
strInsert =strInsert &", eccity= '" & eccity & "'"
ecstate = request.form("EC_State")
strInsert =strInsert &", ecstate= '" & ecstate & "'"
eczip = request.form("EC_Zip")
strInsert =strInsert &", eczip= '" & eczip & "'"
echomephone = request.form("EC_HomePhone")
strInsert = strInsert &", echomephone= '" & echomephone & "'"
echomecellphone = request.form("EC_HomeCellPhone")
strInsert =strInsert &", echomecellphone= '" & echomecellphone & "'"

'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET "&strInsert
'strSQL = strSQL&" WHERE bannerid = '" & bannerid &"'"

'Response.Write"srtSQL = " & crlf & strSQL &crlf & crlf 'Debug Only

' 2006 Summer International Programs do not offer any course choices.

'Class Variables
'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET Class_Choice = '"& Class_Choice &"'
WHERE BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID
'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET Class_Choice1 = '"& Class_Choice1 &"'
WHERE BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID

'We use 2 diffrent types of INSERT statements to get the data into the db
'The first one we use for the Student data, payments, and forms tables
'the advantage of this type of insert statement is that in the first line
you only declare the
'fields that you want to insert then in the second line pass the value or
variable that you want to insert

'The second type of insert statement which we use for program choice,
emergency contact info, class choice, and, tuition type
'you do not declare the fields you want to pass you must pass some value
or variable for every row in that particular table

strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid, lastname, firstname, sex,
birthday, citizen, major, credithours, gpa, Second_Language, Dorm,
localAddress, localApt, localCity, localState, localZipCode,
localPhoneNumber, cellPhoneNumber, Email , PermanentAddress, PermanentCity,
PermanentState, PermanentZipCode, PermanentPhoneNumber, OverseasExperience,
ReasonToTravel, Info_Session, Date_Submitted) VALUES (" & bannerid & ",'" &
lastname & "','" & firstname &"','"& sex & "','" & birthday & "'," & citizen
& ",'" & major & "'," & credithours & "," & gpa & ",'" & Second_Language &
"'," & Dorm & ",'" & localAddress & "','" & localApt &"','" & localCity &
"','" & localState & "','" & localZipCode & "','" & localPhoneNumber & "','"
& cellPhoneNumber & "','" & Email & "','" & PermanentAddress & "','" &
PermanentCity & "','" & PermanentState & "','" & PermanentZipCode & "','" &
PermanentPhoneNumber & "','" & Replace(overseasExp, "'", "''") & "','" &
Replace(ReasonToTravel, "'", "''") & "','" & Info_Session & "','" &
Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"

'strInsert = strInsert & " VALUES (" & bannerid & ",'" & lastname & "','"
& firstname &"','"& sex & "','" & birthday & "'," & citizen & ",'" & major &
"'," & credithours & "," & gpa & ",'" & Second_Language & "'," & Dorm & ",'"
& localAddress & "','" & localApt &"','" & localCity & "','" & localState &
"','" & localZipCode & "','" & localPhoneNumber & "','" & cellPhoneNumber &
"','" & Email & "','" & PermanentAddress & "','" & PermanentCity & "','" &
PermanentState & "','" & PermanentZipCode & "','" & PermanentPhoneNumber &
"','" & Replace(overseasExp, "'", "''") & "','" & Replace(ReasonToTravel,
"'", "''") & "','" & Info_Session & "','" & Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"

objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student Payments table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Payments (bannerid)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student housing table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO student_data (bannerid)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student Flights table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student tuition type table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid,Tuition_Type)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ",'" & Tuition_Type
& "')"

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student Forms Table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_data (bannerid,Submit_Date)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ",'" &
Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"

'This line writes on the afterapply page to see if the info went through
to it
Response.Write strInsert

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student Program Choice Insert
db.execute("INSERT INTO Student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" &
choice1 & "','" & choice1_status & "','" & choice2 & "','" & choice2_status &
"','" & choice3 & "','" & choice3_status & "','" & choice4 & "','" &
choice4_status & "','" & choice5 & "','" & choice5_status & "','" & choice6 &
"','" & choice6_status & "','',"&defered&",'','')")

'Emergency Contact Info
db.execute("INSERT INTO Student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" & Ec_Name
& "','" & Ec_Relationship & "','" & Ec_Address & "','" & Ec_City & "','" &
Ec_State & "','" & Ec_Zip & "','" & Ec_HomePhone & "','" & Ec_HomeCellPhone &

'Class Choice
db.execute("INSERT INTO student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" &
Class_Choice & "','" & Class_Choice1 & "')")%>

<h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" color="#990000">Your application has
been successfully submitted!&nbsp; </font></h3>

<p align="center"> </p>
<h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" color="#990000">Thank you for applying
to the SBA International Programs for Summer 2006. </font></h3>

<p align="center"> </p>

<h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="3" color="#000000"><b>Don't
to fill out and turn in the </b></font></h3>

<h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="3"
Affairs Document</i> to complete the process!</b></font></h3>
<p align="center"><i><b><span lang="en-us"><font face="Verdana">For more
information or to print out copies of the forms click the link

<p align="center"><font face="Verdana"><b><i><span lang="en-us">
<a href="../../../index.html">
Summer International Programs</a></span></i></b></font></p>



Stefan B Rusynko

- you need to engage an ASP developer or revert to using the limited capabilities of the Database Interface Wizard and Database
Result Wizard (which probably will do what you are trying to do w/ an Access DB) if you do not understand ASP and DB connections

For some ASP help see the 2 links in my responses to your other posts on same problem
For DB Connections see

|I have tried to change a lot of things around to get my file working, but I
| am not sure where to go from here because it is giving me an error in line
| 185:
| Error msg:
| Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
| [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00936: missing expression
| /sba_home/Students/Undergraduate/international/George/International/apply/after-back-up-2-16-2005-do-not-touch_Copy.asp, line 185
| I marked the line in the code that is causing the error, but it is not
| likely that it is the line itself that is problematic. The lines prior to
| line 185 has to be missing something...
| Just to get an idea, here is the form that is to facilitate data entry:
| The code below is to store all the data entered through the from above...
| Also, I don't have much ASP knowledge so if anyone could recommand anything
| to learn from that would be appreciated.
| Thanks!
| Here is the code:
| <html>
| <head>
| <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
| <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
| <title>International</title>
| </head>
| <body>
| <!--#include file="../access/string.asp"-->
| <%
| Dim strInsert
| adCmdText = 1
| bannerid = request.form("BannerID")
| strInsert="bannerid= '" & bannerid & "'"
| lastName = request.form("Last_name")
| strInsert=strInsert &", lastName= '"& lastName & "'"
| firstName = request.form("First_name")
| strInsert=strInsert &", firstName= '" & firstName & "'"
| 'nickName = request.form("nickname")
| sex = request.form("Sex")
| strInsert=strInsert &", sex= '" & sex & "'"
| birthday = request.form("Birthdate")
| strInsert=strInsert &", birthday= #" & birthday &"#"
| citizen = request.form("Citizen")
| strInsert=strInsert &", citizen= '" & citizen & "'"
| if citizen = "Yes" then citizen = 1 else citizen = 0
| major = request.form("Major")
| strInsert=strInsert &", major= '" & major & "'"
| creditHours = request.form("CreditHrs")
| strInsert=strInsert &" creditHours "= " & creditHours & "
| gpa = request.form("GPA")
| strInsert=strInsert &" gpa "= " & gpa & "
| tuitiontype = request.form("Tuition_Type")
| strInsert=strInsert &", tuitiontype= '" & tuitiontype & "'"
| Dorm = request.form("Campus_Mail")
| strInsert=strInsert &" Dorm "= " & Dorm & "
| if Dorm = "-1" then Dorm = 1 else Dorm = 0
| localAddress = request.form("Local_Address")
| strInsert=strInsert &", localAddress= '" & localAddress & "'"
| localApt = request.form("Local_Apt")
| strInsert=strInsert &", localApt= '" & localApt & "'"
| localCity = request.form("Local_City")
| strInsert=strInsert &", localCity= '" & localCity & "'"
| localState = request.form("Local_State")
| strInsert=strInsert &", localState= '" & localState & "'"
| localZipCode = request.form("Local_Zip")
| strInsert=strInsert &" localZipCode "= " & localZipCode & "
| localPhoneNumber = request.form("Local_Phone")
| strInsert=strInsert &", localPhoneNumber= '" & localPhoneNumber & "'"
| cellPhoneNumber = request.form("Cell_Phone")
| strInsert=strInsert &", cellPhoneNumber= '" & cellPhoneNumber & "'"
| Email = request.form("email")
| strInsert=strInsert &", Email= '" & Email & "'"
| PermanentAddress = request.form("Permanent_address")
| strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentAddress= '" & PermanentAddress & "'"
| PermanentCity = request.form("Permanant_City")
| strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentCity= '" & PermanentCity & "'"
| PermanentState = request.form("Permanent_State")
| strInsert=strInsert &", Permanent_State= '" & Permanent_State & "'"
| PermanentZipCode = request.form("Permanent_Zip")
| strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentZipCode= '" & PermanentZipCode & "'"
| PermanentPhoneNumber = request.form("Permanent_Phone")
| strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentPhoneNumber= '" & PermanentPhoneNumber &
| "'"
| overseasExp = request.form("Overseas_Experience")
| strInsert=strInsert &", overseasExp= '" & overseasExp & "'"
| ReasonsToTravel = request.form("Why_Attend")
| strInsert=strInsert &", ReasonToTravel= '" & ReasonToTravel & "'"
| Date_Submitted =date()
| defered = 0
| 'Student Program Choice
| choice1 = request.form("Choice1")
| strInsert =strInsert &" choice1 "= "& choice1 &"
| choice2 = request.form("Choice2")
| strInsert =strInsert &" choice2 "= "& choice2 &"
| choice3 = request.form("Choice3")
| strInsert =strInsert &" choice3 "= "& choice3 &"
| choice4 = request.form("Choice4")
| strInsert =strInsert &" choice4 "= "& choice4 &"
| choice5 = request.form("Choice5")
| strInsert =strInsert &" choice5 "= "& choice5 &"
| choice6 = request.form("Choice6")
| strInsert =strInsert &" choice6 "= "& choice6 &"
| choice7 = request.form("Choice7")
| strInsert =strInsert &" choice7 "= "& choice7 &"
| if (choice1 = "n/a") then
| choice1_status = ""
| else
| choice1_status = "Applied"
| end if
| if (choice2 = "n/a") then
| choice2_status = ""
| else
| choice2_status = "Applied"
| end if
| if (choice3 = "n/a") then
| choice3_status = ""
| else
| choice3_status = "Applied"
| end if
| if (choice4 = "n/a") then
| choice4_status = ""
| else
| choice4_status = "Applied"
| end if
| if (choice5 = "n/a") then
| choice5_status = ""
| else
| choice5_status = "Applied"
| end if
| if (choice6 = "n/a") then
| choice6_status = ""
| else
| choice6_status = "Applied"
| end if
| if (choice7 = "n/a") then
| choice7_status = ""
| else
| choice7_status = "Applied"
| end if
| 'Student Emergency Contact Information
| ecname = request.form("EC_Name")
| strInsert =strInsert &", ecname= '"& ecname &"'"
| ecrelationship = request.form("EC_Relationship")
| strInsert =strInsert &", ecrelationship= '" & ecrelationship & "'"
| ecaddress = request.form("EC_Address")
| strInsert =strInsert &", ecaddress= '" & ecaddress & "'"
| eccity= request.form("EC_City")
| strInsert =strInsert &", eccity= '" & eccity & "'"
| ecstate = request.form("EC_State")
| strInsert =strInsert &", ecstate= '" & ecstate & "'"
| eczip = request.form("EC_Zip")
| strInsert =strInsert &", eczip= '" & eczip & "'"
| echomephone = request.form("EC_HomePhone")
| strInsert = strInsert &", echomephone= '" & echomephone & "'"
| echomecellphone = request.form("EC_HomeCellPhone")
| strInsert =strInsert &", echomecellphone= '" & echomecellphone & "'"
| 'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET "&strInsert
| 'strSQL = strSQL&" WHERE bannerid = '" & bannerid &"'"
| 'Response.Write"srtSQL = " & crlf & strSQL &crlf & crlf 'Debug Only
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
| ' 2006 Summer International Programs do not offer any course choices.
| 'Class Variables
| 'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET Class_Choice = '"& Class_Choice &"'
| WHERE BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID
| 'dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| 'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET Class_Choice1 = '"& Class_Choice1 &"'
| WHERE BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID
| 'dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| 'We use 2 diffrent types of INSERT statements to get the data into the db
| 'The first one we use for the Student data, payments, and forms tables
| 'the advantage of this type of insert statement is that in the first line
| you only declare the
| 'fields that you want to insert then in the second line pass the value or
| variable that you want to insert
| 'The second type of insert statement which we use for program choice,
| emergency contact info, class choice, and, tuition type
| 'you do not declare the fields you want to pass you must pass some value
| or variable for every row in that particular table
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
| strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid, lastname, firstname, sex,
| birthday, citizen, major, credithours, gpa, Second_Language, Dorm,
| localAddress, localApt, localCity, localState, localZipCode,
| localPhoneNumber, cellPhoneNumber, Email , PermanentAddress, PermanentCity,
| PermanentState, PermanentZipCode, PermanentPhoneNumber, OverseasExperience,
| ReasonToTravel, Info_Session, Date_Submitted) VALUES (" & bannerid & ",'" &
| lastname & "','" & firstname &"','"& sex & "','" & birthday & "'," & citizen
| & ",'" & major & "'," & credithours & "," & gpa & ",'" & Second_Language &
| "'," & Dorm & ",'" & localAddress & "','" & localApt &"','" & localCity &
| "','" & localState & "','" & localZipCode & "','" & localPhoneNumber & "','"
| & cellPhoneNumber & "','" & Email & "','" & PermanentAddress & "','" &
| PermanentCity & "','" & PermanentState & "','" & PermanentZipCode & "','" &
| PermanentPhoneNumber & "','" & Replace(overseasExp, "'", "''") & "','" &
| Replace(ReasonToTravel, "'", "''") & "','" & Info_Session & "','" &
| Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"
| dbConnection.execute(strInsert)
| 'strInsert = strInsert & " VALUES (" & bannerid & ",'" & lastname & "','"
| & firstname &"','"& sex & "','" & birthday & "'," & citizen & ",'" & major &
| "'," & credithours & "," & gpa & ",'" & Second_Language & "'," & Dorm & ",'"
| & localAddress & "','" & localApt &"','" & localCity & "','" & localState &
| "','" & localZipCode & "','" & localPhoneNumber & "','" & cellPhoneNumber &
| "','" & Email & "','" & PermanentAddress & "','" & PermanentCity & "','" &
| PermanentState & "','" & PermanentZipCode & "','" & PermanentPhoneNumber &
| "','" & Replace(overseasExp, "'", "''") & "','" & Replace(ReasonToTravel,
| "'", "''") & "','" & Info_Session & "','" & Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"
| 'dbConnection.execute(strInsert)
| objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
| objCmd.CommandText = strInsert
| objCmd.Execute
| 'Student Payments table
| strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Payments (bannerid)"
| strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"
| objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
| objCmd.CommandText = strInsert
| objCmd.Execute
| 'Student housing table
| strInsert = "INSERT INTO student_data (bannerid)"
| dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"
| dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
| objCmd.CommandText = strInsert
| objCmd.Execute
| 'Student Flights table
| strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid)"
| dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"
| dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
| objCmd.CommandText = strInsert
| objCmd.Execute
| 'Student tuition type table
| strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid,Tuition_Type)"
| dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ",'" & Tuition_Type
| & "')"
| dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
| objCmd.CommandText = strInsert
| objCmd.Execute
| 'Student Forms Table
| strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_data (bannerid,Submit_Date)"
| strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ",'" &
| Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"
| 'This line writes on the afterapply page to see if the info went through
| to it
| Response.Write strInsert
| objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
| objCmd.CommandText = strInsert
| objCmd.Execute
| 'Student Program Choice Insert
| db.execute("INSERT INTO Student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" &
| choice1 & "','" & choice1_status & "','" & choice2 & "','" & choice2_status &
| "','" & choice3 & "','" & choice3_status & "','" & choice4 & "','" &
| choice4_status & "','" & choice5 & "','" & choice5_status & "','" & choice6 &
| "','" & choice6_status & "','',"&defered&",'','')")
| 'Emergency Contact Info
| db.execute("INSERT INTO Student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" & Ec_Name
| & "','" & Ec_Relationship & "','" & Ec_Address & "','" & Ec_City & "','" &
| Ec_State & "','" & Ec_Zip & "','" & Ec_HomePhone & "','" & Ec_HomeCellPhone &
| "','"&Ec_Other_Phone_1&"','"&Ec_Other_Phone_2&"')")
| 'Class Choice
| db.execute("INSERT INTO student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" &
| Class_Choice & "','" & Class_Choice1 & "')")%>
| <h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" color="#990000">Your application has
| been successfully submitted!&nbsp; </font></h3>
| <p align="center"> </p>
| <h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" color="#990000">Thank you for applying
| to the SBA International Programs for Summer 2006. </font></h3>
| <p align="center"> </p>
| <h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="3" color="#000000"><b>Don't
| forget
| to fill out and turn in the </b></font></h3>
| <h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="3"
| color="#000000"><b><i>Judicial
| Affairs Document</i> to complete the process!</b></font></h3>
| <p align="center"><i><b><span lang="en-us"><font face="Verdana">For more
| information or to print out copies of the forms click the link
| below.</font></span></b></i></p>
| <p align="center"><font face="Verdana"><b><i><span lang="en-us">
| <a href="../../../index.html">
| Summer International Programs</a></span></i></b></font></p>
| </body>
| </html>

Stefan B Rusynko

Also doesn't help that he is starting a new thread on an existing problem previously posted in another thread
- which showed an unverified DSN connection string (dbConnection.Open "dsn=sba;uid=xxxx;pwd=yyyy;")
- and is not posting the connection string (probably in <!--#include file="../access/string.asp"--> now
- plus has lots of just plain bad code like trying to change Update variables (after they have been submitted to a SQL string being
built, and not checking for empty strings from the forms)

- way too much pasting/combining of other code from other pages w/o trying to understand what the code is trying to do

| The ODBC driver that you're utilizing appears to be Oracle. Have you confirmed the SQL statement is correctly formatted for the
| Oracle database?
| --
| Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97 - '02
| FrontPage Add-ins Summer Promotion -
| FREE Purchase J-Bots Plus 2004 & receive Meta Tag Maker 2004 a $24.95 value FREE
| >I have tried to change a lot of things around to get my file working, but I
| > am not sure where to go from here because it is giving me an error in line
| > 185:
| >
| > Error msg:
| > Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
| >
| > [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00936: missing expression
| >
| > /sba_home/Students/Undergraduate/international/George/International/apply/after-back-up-2-16-2005-do-not-touch_Copy.asp, line
| >
| > I marked the line in the code that is causing the error, but it is not
| > likely that it is the line itself that is problematic. The lines prior to
| > line 185 has to be missing something...
| >
| > Just to get an idea, here is the form that is to facilitate data entry:
| >
| >
| > The code below is to store all the data entered through the from above...
| >
| > Also, I don't have much ASP knowledge so if anyone could recommand anything
| > to learn from that would be appreciated.
| >
| > Thanks!
| >
| > Here is the code:
| >
| > <html>
| >
| > <head>
| > <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
| > <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
| > <title>International</title>
| >
| >
| > </head>
| >
| > <body>
| >
| > <!--#include file="../access/string.asp"-->
| > <%
| >
| > Dim strInsert
| > adCmdText = 1
| >
| > bannerid = request.form("BannerID")
| > strInsert="bannerid= '" & bannerid & "'"
| > lastName = request.form("Last_name")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", lastName= '"& lastName & "'"
| > firstName = request.form("First_name")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", firstName= '" & firstName & "'"
| > 'nickName = request.form("nickname")
| > sex = request.form("Sex")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", sex= '" & sex & "'"
| > birthday = request.form("Birthdate")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", birthday= #" & birthday &"#"
| > citizen = request.form("Citizen")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", citizen= '" & citizen & "'"
| > if citizen = "Yes" then citizen = 1 else citizen = 0
| > major = request.form("Major")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", major= '" & major & "'"
| > creditHours = request.form("CreditHrs")
| > strInsert=strInsert &" creditHours "= " & creditHours & "
| > gpa = request.form("GPA")
| > strInsert=strInsert &" gpa "= " & gpa & "
| > tuitiontype = request.form("Tuition_Type")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", tuitiontype= '" & tuitiontype & "'"
| > Dorm = request.form("Campus_Mail")
| > strInsert=strInsert &" Dorm "= " & Dorm & "
| > if Dorm = "-1" then Dorm = 1 else Dorm = 0
| > localAddress = request.form("Local_Address")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", localAddress= '" & localAddress & "'"
| > localApt = request.form("Local_Apt")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", localApt= '" & localApt & "'"
| > localCity = request.form("Local_City")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", localCity= '" & localCity & "'"
| > localState = request.form("Local_State")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", localState= '" & localState & "'"
| > localZipCode = request.form("Local_Zip")
| > strInsert=strInsert &" localZipCode "= " & localZipCode & "
| > localPhoneNumber = request.form("Local_Phone")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", localPhoneNumber= '" & localPhoneNumber & "'"
| > cellPhoneNumber = request.form("Cell_Phone")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", cellPhoneNumber= '" & cellPhoneNumber & "'"
| > Email = request.form("email")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", Email= '" & Email & "'"
| > PermanentAddress = request.form("Permanent_address")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentAddress= '" & PermanentAddress & "'"
| > PermanentCity = request.form("Permanant_City")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentCity= '" & PermanentCity & "'"
| > PermanentState = request.form("Permanent_State")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", Permanent_State= '" & Permanent_State & "'"
| > PermanentZipCode = request.form("Permanent_Zip")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentZipCode= '" & PermanentZipCode & "'"
| > PermanentPhoneNumber = request.form("Permanent_Phone")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentPhoneNumber= '" & PermanentPhoneNumber &
| > "'"
| > overseasExp = request.form("Overseas_Experience")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", overseasExp= '" & overseasExp & "'"
| > ReasonsToTravel = request.form("Why_Attend")
| > strInsert=strInsert &", ReasonToTravel= '" & ReasonToTravel & "'"
| >
| > Date_Submitted =date()
| >
| > defered = 0
| >
| >
| > 'Student Program Choice
| >
| > choice1 = request.form("Choice1")
| > strInsert =strInsert &" choice1 "= "& choice1 &"
| > choice2 = request.form("Choice2")
| > strInsert =strInsert &" choice2 "= "& choice2 &"
| > choice3 = request.form("Choice3")
| > strInsert =strInsert &" choice3 "= "& choice3 &"
| > choice4 = request.form("Choice4")
| > strInsert =strInsert &" choice4 "= "& choice4 &"
| > choice5 = request.form("Choice5")
| > strInsert =strInsert &" choice5 "= "& choice5 &"
| > choice6 = request.form("Choice6")
| > strInsert =strInsert &" choice6 "= "& choice6 &"
| > choice7 = request.form("Choice7")
| > strInsert =strInsert &" choice7 "= "& choice7 &"
| >
| >
| > if (choice1 = "n/a") then
| > choice1_status = ""
| > else
| > choice1_status = "Applied"
| > end if
| >
| > if (choice2 = "n/a") then
| > choice2_status = ""
| > else
| > choice2_status = "Applied"
| > end if
| >
| > if (choice3 = "n/a") then
| > choice3_status = ""
| > else
| > choice3_status = "Applied"
| > end if
| >
| > if (choice4 = "n/a") then
| > choice4_status = ""
| > else
| > choice4_status = "Applied"
| > end if
| > if (choice5 = "n/a") then
| > choice5_status = ""
| > else
| > choice5_status = "Applied"
| > end if
| >
| > if (choice6 = "n/a") then
| > choice6_status = ""
| > else
| > choice6_status = "Applied"
| > end if
| >
| > if (choice7 = "n/a") then
| > choice7_status = ""
| > else
| > choice7_status = "Applied"
| > end if
| >
| > 'Student Emergency Contact Information
| >
| > ecname = request.form("EC_Name")
| > strInsert =strInsert &", ecname= '"& ecname &"'"
| > ecrelationship = request.form("EC_Relationship")
| > strInsert =strInsert &", ecrelationship= '" & ecrelationship & "'"
| > ecaddress = request.form("EC_Address")
| > strInsert =strInsert &", ecaddress= '" & ecaddress & "'"
| > eccity= request.form("EC_City")
| > strInsert =strInsert &", eccity= '" & eccity & "'"
| > ecstate = request.form("EC_State")
| > strInsert =strInsert &", ecstate= '" & ecstate & "'"
| > eczip = request.form("EC_Zip")
| > strInsert =strInsert &", eczip= '" & eczip & "'"
| > echomephone = request.form("EC_HomePhone")
| > strInsert = strInsert &", echomephone= '" & echomephone & "'"
| > echomecellphone = request.form("EC_HomeCellPhone")
| > strInsert =strInsert &", echomecellphone= '" & echomecellphone & "'"
| >
| > 'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET "&strInsert
| > 'strSQL = strSQL&" WHERE bannerid = '" & bannerid &"'"
| >
| > 'Response.Write"srtSQL = " & crlf & strSQL &crlf & crlf 'Debug Only
| >
| >
| >
| > ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
| > ' 2006 Summer International Programs do not offer any course choices.
| >
| > 'Class Variables
| > 'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET Class_Choice = '"& Class_Choice &"'
| > WHERE BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID
| > 'dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| > 'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET Class_Choice1 = '"& Class_Choice1 &"'
| > WHERE BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID
| > 'dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| >
| > 'We use 2 diffrent types of INSERT statements to get the data into the db
| > 'The first one we use for the Student data, payments, and forms tables
| > 'the advantage of this type of insert statement is that in the first line
| > you only declare the
| > 'fields that you want to insert then in the second line pass the value or
| > variable that you want to insert
| >
| > 'The second type of insert statement which we use for program choice,
| > emergency contact info, class choice, and, tuition type
| > 'you do not declare the fields you want to pass you must pass some value
| > or variable for every row in that particular table
| >
| > '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
| > strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid, lastname, firstname, sex,
| > birthday, citizen, major, credithours, gpa, Second_Language, Dorm,
| > localAddress, localApt, localCity, localState, localZipCode,
| > localPhoneNumber, cellPhoneNumber, Email , PermanentAddress, PermanentCity,
| > PermanentState, PermanentZipCode, PermanentPhoneNumber, OverseasExperience,
| > ReasonToTravel, Info_Session, Date_Submitted) VALUES (" & bannerid & ",'" &
| > lastname & "','" & firstname &"','"& sex & "','" & birthday & "'," & citizen
| > & ",'" & major & "'," & credithours & "," & gpa & ",'" & Second_Language &
| > "'," & Dorm & ",'" & localAddress & "','" & localApt &"','" & localCity &
| > "','" & localState & "','" & localZipCode & "','" & localPhoneNumber & "','"
| > & cellPhoneNumber & "','" & Email & "','" & PermanentAddress & "','" &
| > PermanentCity & "','" & PermanentState & "','" & PermanentZipCode & "','" &
| > PermanentPhoneNumber & "','" & Replace(overseasExp, "'", "''") & "','" &
| > Replace(ReasonToTravel, "'", "''") & "','" & Info_Session & "','" &
| > Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"
| > dbConnection.execute(strInsert)
| >
| > 'strInsert = strInsert & " VALUES (" & bannerid & ",'" & lastname & "','"
| > & firstname &"','"& sex & "','" & birthday & "'," & citizen & ",'" & major &
| > "'," & credithours & "," & gpa & ",'" & Second_Language & "'," & Dorm & ",'"
| > & localAddress & "','" & localApt &"','" & localCity & "','" & localState &
| > "','" & localZipCode & "','" & localPhoneNumber & "','" & cellPhoneNumber &
| > "','" & Email & "','" & PermanentAddress & "','" & PermanentCity & "','" &
| > PermanentState & "','" & PermanentZipCode & "','" & PermanentPhoneNumber &
| > "','" & Replace(overseasExp, "'", "''") & "','" & Replace(ReasonToTravel,
| > "'", "''") & "','" & Info_Session & "','" & Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"
| > 'dbConnection.execute(strInsert)
| >
| >
| > objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
| > objCmd.CommandText = strInsert
| > objCmd.Execute
| >
| > 'Student Payments table
| > strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Payments (bannerid)"
| > strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"
| >
| > objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
| > objCmd.CommandText = strInsert
| > objCmd.Execute
| >
| > 'Student housing table
| > strInsert = "INSERT INTO student_data (bannerid)"
| > dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| > strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"
| > dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| >
| > objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
| > objCmd.CommandText = strInsert
| > objCmd.Execute
| >
| > 'Student Flights table
| > strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid)"
| > dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| > strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"
| > dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| >
| > objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
| > objCmd.CommandText = strInsert
| > objCmd.Execute
| >
| > 'Student tuition type table
| > strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid,Tuition_Type)"
| > dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| > strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ",'" & Tuition_Type
| > & "')"
| > dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| >
| > objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
| > objCmd.CommandText = strInsert
| > objCmd.Execute
| >
| > 'Student Forms Table
| > strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_data (bannerid,Submit_Date)"
| > strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ",'" &
| > Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"
| >
| > 'This line writes on the afterapply page to see if the info went through
| > to it
| > Response.Write strInsert
| >
| > objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
| > objCmd.CommandText = strInsert
| > objCmd.Execute
| >
| > 'Student Program Choice Insert
| > db.execute("INSERT INTO Student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" &
| > choice1 & "','" & choice1_status & "','" & choice2 & "','" & choice2_status &
| > "','" & choice3 & "','" & choice3_status & "','" & choice4 & "','" &
| > choice4_status & "','" & choice5 & "','" & choice5_status & "','" & choice6 &
| > "','" & choice6_status & "','',"&defered&",'','')")
| >
| > 'Emergency Contact Info
| > db.execute("INSERT INTO Student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" & Ec_Name
| > & "','" & Ec_Relationship & "','" & Ec_Address & "','" & Ec_City & "','" &
| > Ec_State & "','" & Ec_Zip & "','" & Ec_HomePhone & "','" & Ec_HomeCellPhone &
| > "','"&Ec_Other_Phone_1&"','"&Ec_Other_Phone_2&"')")
| >
| > 'Class Choice
| > db.execute("INSERT INTO student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" &
| > Class_Choice & "','" & Class_Choice1 & "')")%>
| >
| > <h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" color="#990000">Your application has
| > been successfully submitted!&nbsp; </font></h3>
| >
| > <p align="center"> </p>
| > <h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" color="#990000">Thank you for applying
| > to the SBA International Programs for Summer 2006. </font></h3>
| >
| > <p align="center"> </p>
| >
| > <h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="3" color="#000000"><b>Don't
| > forget
| > to fill out and turn in the </b></font></h3>
| >
| > <h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="3"
| > color="#000000"><b><i>Judicial
| > Affairs Document</i> to complete the process!</b></font></h3>
| > <p align="center"><i><b><span lang="en-us"><font face="Verdana">For more
| > information or to print out copies of the forms click the link
| > below.</font></span></b></i></p>
| >
| > <p align="center"><font face="Verdana"><b><i><span lang="en-us">
| > <a href="../../../index.html">
| > Summer International Programs</a></span></i></b></font></p>
| >
| > </body>
| >
| > </html>

Kevin Spencer

I see you have a Response.Write line in your code for debugging (a good idea
when you have a long string concatenation for your SQL statement, bTW). Can
you post the HTML source code that is generated by this Response.Write
statement, so that we can analyze the output? The reason I ask for the HTML
source code is to eliminate any misunderstanding caused by the browser's
HTML encoding of the string.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Everybody picks their nose,
But some people are better at hiding it.

Red_Star20 said:
I have tried to change a lot of things around to get my file working, but I
am not sure where to go from here because it is giving me an error in line

Error msg:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00936: missing expression

line 185

I marked the line in the code that is causing the error, but it is not
likely that it is the line itself that is problematic. The lines prior to
line 185 has to be missing something...

Just to get an idea, here is the form that is to facilitate data entry:

The code below is to store all the data entered through the from above...

Also, I don't have much ASP knowledge so if anyone could recommand
to learn from that would be appreciated.


Here is the code:


<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">



<!--#include file="../access/string.asp"-->

Dim strInsert
adCmdText = 1

bannerid = request.form("BannerID")
strInsert="bannerid= '" & bannerid & "'"
lastName = request.form("Last_name")
strInsert=strInsert &", lastName= '"& lastName & "'"
firstName = request.form("First_name")
strInsert=strInsert &", firstName= '" & firstName & "'"
'nickName = request.form("nickname")
sex = request.form("Sex")
strInsert=strInsert &", sex= '" & sex & "'"
birthday = request.form("Birthdate")
strInsert=strInsert &", birthday= #" & birthday &"#"
citizen = request.form("Citizen")
strInsert=strInsert &", citizen= '" & citizen & "'"
if citizen = "Yes" then citizen = 1 else citizen = 0
major = request.form("Major")
strInsert=strInsert &", major= '" & major & "'"
creditHours = request.form("CreditHrs")
strInsert=strInsert &" creditHours "= " & creditHours & "
gpa = request.form("GPA")
strInsert=strInsert &" gpa "= " & gpa & "
tuitiontype = request.form("Tuition_Type")
strInsert=strInsert &", tuitiontype= '" & tuitiontype & "'"
Dorm = request.form("Campus_Mail")
strInsert=strInsert &" Dorm "= " & Dorm & "
if Dorm = "-1" then Dorm = 1 else Dorm = 0
localAddress = request.form("Local_Address")
strInsert=strInsert &", localAddress= '" & localAddress & "'"
localApt = request.form("Local_Apt")
strInsert=strInsert &", localApt= '" & localApt & "'"
localCity = request.form("Local_City")
strInsert=strInsert &", localCity= '" & localCity & "'"
localState = request.form("Local_State")
strInsert=strInsert &", localState= '" & localState & "'"
localZipCode = request.form("Local_Zip")
strInsert=strInsert &" localZipCode "= " & localZipCode & "
localPhoneNumber = request.form("Local_Phone")
strInsert=strInsert &", localPhoneNumber= '" & localPhoneNumber & "'"
cellPhoneNumber = request.form("Cell_Phone")
strInsert=strInsert &", cellPhoneNumber= '" & cellPhoneNumber & "'"
Email = request.form("email")
strInsert=strInsert &", Email= '" & Email & "'"
PermanentAddress = request.form("Permanent_address")
strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentAddress= '" & PermanentAddress & "'"
PermanentCity = request.form("Permanant_City")
strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentCity= '" & PermanentCity & "'"
PermanentState = request.form("Permanent_State")
strInsert=strInsert &", Permanent_State= '" & Permanent_State & "'"
PermanentZipCode = request.form("Permanent_Zip")
strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentZipCode= '" & PermanentZipCode & "'"
PermanentPhoneNumber = request.form("Permanent_Phone")
strInsert=strInsert &", PermanentPhoneNumber= '" & PermanentPhoneNumber &
overseasExp = request.form("Overseas_Experience")
strInsert=strInsert &", overseasExp= '" & overseasExp & "'"
ReasonsToTravel = request.form("Why_Attend")
strInsert=strInsert &", ReasonToTravel= '" & ReasonToTravel & "'"

Date_Submitted =date()

defered = 0

'Student Program Choice

choice1 = request.form("Choice1")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice1 "= "& choice1 &"
choice2 = request.form("Choice2")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice2 "= "& choice2 &"
choice3 = request.form("Choice3")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice3 "= "& choice3 &"
choice4 = request.form("Choice4")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice4 "= "& choice4 &"
choice5 = request.form("Choice5")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice5 "= "& choice5 &"
choice6 = request.form("Choice6")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice6 "= "& choice6 &"
choice7 = request.form("Choice7")
strInsert =strInsert &" choice7 "= "& choice7 &"

if (choice1 = "n/a") then
choice1_status = ""
choice1_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice2 = "n/a") then
choice2_status = ""
choice2_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice3 = "n/a") then
choice3_status = ""
choice3_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice4 = "n/a") then
choice4_status = ""
choice4_status = "Applied"
end if
if (choice5 = "n/a") then
choice5_status = ""
choice5_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice6 = "n/a") then
choice6_status = ""
choice6_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice7 = "n/a") then
choice7_status = ""
choice7_status = "Applied"
end if

'Student Emergency Contact Information

ecname = request.form("EC_Name")
strInsert =strInsert &", ecname= '"& ecname &"'"
ecrelationship = request.form("EC_Relationship")
strInsert =strInsert &", ecrelationship= '" & ecrelationship & "'"
ecaddress = request.form("EC_Address")
strInsert =strInsert &", ecaddress= '" & ecaddress & "'"
eccity= request.form("EC_City")
strInsert =strInsert &", eccity= '" & eccity & "'"
ecstate = request.form("EC_State")
strInsert =strInsert &", ecstate= '" & ecstate & "'"
eczip = request.form("EC_Zip")
strInsert =strInsert &", eczip= '" & eczip & "'"
echomephone = request.form("EC_HomePhone")
strInsert = strInsert &", echomephone= '" & echomephone & "'"
echomecellphone = request.form("EC_HomeCellPhone")
strInsert =strInsert &", echomecellphone= '" & echomecellphone & "'"

'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET "&strInsert
'strSQL = strSQL&" WHERE bannerid = '" & bannerid &"'"

'Response.Write"srtSQL = " & crlf & strSQL &crlf & crlf 'Debug Only

' 2006 Summer International Programs do not offer any course choices.

'Class Variables
'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET Class_Choice = '"& Class_Choice &"'
WHERE BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID
'strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET Class_Choice1 = '"& Class_Choice1 &"'
WHERE BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID

'We use 2 diffrent types of INSERT statements to get the data into the db
'The first one we use for the Student data, payments, and forms tables
'the advantage of this type of insert statement is that in the first line
you only declare the
'fields that you want to insert then in the second line pass the value or
variable that you want to insert

'The second type of insert statement which we use for program choice,
emergency contact info, class choice, and, tuition type
'you do not declare the fields you want to pass you must pass some value
or variable for every row in that particular table

strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid, lastname, firstname, sex,
birthday, citizen, major, credithours, gpa, Second_Language, Dorm,
localAddress, localApt, localCity, localState, localZipCode,
localPhoneNumber, cellPhoneNumber, Email , PermanentAddress,
PermanentState, PermanentZipCode, PermanentPhoneNumber,
ReasonToTravel, Info_Session, Date_Submitted) VALUES (" & bannerid & ",'"
lastname & "','" & firstname &"','"& sex & "','" & birthday & "'," &
& ",'" & major & "'," & credithours & "," & gpa & ",'" & Second_Language &
"'," & Dorm & ",'" & localAddress & "','" & localApt &"','" & localCity &
"','" & localState & "','" & localZipCode & "','" & localPhoneNumber &
& cellPhoneNumber & "','" & Email & "','" & PermanentAddress & "','" &
PermanentCity & "','" & PermanentState & "','" & PermanentZipCode & "','"
PermanentPhoneNumber & "','" & Replace(overseasExp, "'", "''") & "','" &
Replace(ReasonToTravel, "'", "''") & "','" & Info_Session & "','" &
Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"

'strInsert = strInsert & " VALUES (" & bannerid & ",'" & lastname & "','"
& firstname &"','"& sex & "','" & birthday & "'," & citizen & ",'" &
major &
"'," & credithours & "," & gpa & ",'" & Second_Language & "'," & Dorm &
& localAddress & "','" & localApt &"','" & localCity & "','" & localState
"','" & localZipCode & "','" & localPhoneNumber & "','" & cellPhoneNumber
"','" & Email & "','" & PermanentAddress & "','" & PermanentCity & "','" &
PermanentState & "','" & PermanentZipCode & "','" & PermanentPhoneNumber &
"','" & Replace(overseasExp, "'", "''") & "','" & Replace(ReasonToTravel,
"'", "''") & "','" & Info_Session & "','" & Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"

objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student Payments table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Payments (bannerid)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student housing table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO student_data (bannerid)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student Flights table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ")"

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student tuition type table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_Data (bannerid,Tuition_Type)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ",'" & Tuition_Type
& "')"

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student Forms Table
strInsert = "INSERT INTO Student_data (bannerid,Submit_Date)"
strInsert = strInsert & " values(" & bannerid & ",'" &
Date_Submitted & "'" & ")"

'This line writes on the afterapply page to see if the info went through
to it
Response.Write strInsert

objCmd.CommandType =adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = strInsert

'Student Program Choice Insert
db.execute("INSERT INTO Student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" &
choice1 & "','" & choice1_status & "','" & choice2 & "','" &
choice2_status &
"','" & choice3 & "','" & choice3_status & "','" & choice4 & "','" &
choice4_status & "','" & choice5 & "','" & choice5_status & "','" &
choice6 &
"','" & choice6_status & "','',"&defered&",'','')")

'Emergency Contact Info
db.execute("INSERT INTO Student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" & Ec_Name
& "','" & Ec_Relationship & "','" & Ec_Address & "','" & Ec_City & "','" &
Ec_State & "','" & Ec_Zip & "','" & Ec_HomePhone & "','" &
Ec_HomeCellPhone &

'Class Choice
db.execute("INSERT INTO student_data VALUES(" & bannerid & ",'" &
Class_Choice & "','" & Class_Choice1 & "')")%>

<h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" color="#990000">Your application
been successfully submitted!&nbsp; </font></h3>

<p align="center"> </p>
<h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" color="#990000">Thank you for
to the SBA International Programs for Summer 2006. </font></h3>

<p align="center"> </p>

<h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="3" color="#000000"><b>Don't
to fill out and turn in the </b></font></h3>

<h3 align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="3"
Affairs Document</i> to complete the process!</b></font></h3>
<p align="center"><i><b><span lang="en-us"><font face="Verdana">For more
information or to print out copies of the forms click the link

<p align="center"><font face="Verdana"><b><i><span lang="en-us">
<a href="../../../index.html">
Summer International Programs</a></span></i></b></font></p>



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