Inserting .jpg images increases file size



My original document is is 12.9 kb and the image I am inserting is 160 kb
but after I have inserted the picture the Word 2002 file size is 2.11 mb. I
have tried the compress image feature but it just doesn't make sense that a
12.9 kb and 160 kb file would add up to 2.11 mb. Can anyone give me some
insight on this issue.

Thanks in advance for any assistance,


Well, Dave, I'm having exactly the same problem with Word 2000. File
size is normal, then I Insert, Picture, From File, and the file size
increases to 10 times what it should be. I had the same problem 3
months ago, searched thru Google and found the easy solution, but I
can't remember it OR find it again. Why is nobody responding to
you/us? Help, please, people.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

One solution would be to link the graphic instead of embedding it, but this
is not always feasible (if the document must be portable, for example).

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


The cool fact lies in the way the graphic is inserted. Clicking
InsertPicture is the "cheapest" way, Cut´nCopy, especially via Past Special
will do a Meeega doc.
In case of digital photos don´t rely on the size quoted.

Jason Gyetko

I was having the same problem and found that you can 'convert embedded
objects into graphics' by:

1. Click the embedded object you want to convert.
2. Press CTRL+SHIFT+F9.

FYI: My embedded graphics were simply print screens which I had pasted into
my document. By performing the above task on all my graphics, my doc size
was reduced from 22.8Mb to 1.6Mb.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Unless a graphic is an OLE object or is both linked and embedded,
Ctrl+Shift+F9 (which unlinks fields) will have no effect. If you paste a
graphic into a document, it is (usually) embedded already. If you use Insert
| Picture | From File and don't choose Link to File or Link and Embed, it is
embedded already. If you have pasted a graphic from a graphics app, it may
have been pasted as an OLE object (CorelDRAW works this way); if you instead
save the graphic from the graphics app in a standard graphics format and use
Insert | Picture | From File, you won't have the OLE overhead.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

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