Inserting last row from one worksheet into next empty row in anoth


Dale Schwer


I am currently working on a project in Excel 2003 in which I need to have
other pages send the last updated row into a new row on another worksheet,
called the master worksheet. I have searched the forums, and am currently
having this going.

Application.CutCopyMode = True
Application.CutCopyMode = False

The 'application.cutcopymode' piece of code in the beginning and end is just
to prevent from the marching ants outline from sticking. This piece of code
works, BUT, let's say I need to delete something of the master page, in my
current case, test data in the cells, in the future, data mistyped, etc., it
keeps going even if I deleted the previous row (ex., the master page gets
update with rows 1, 2, 3, then I delete 3, but the next time it still updates
to 4 skipping the empty row 3).

i also have a new problem with this code, I recently added a total row on
the bottom to add up certain values on both the master and the other
worksheets, but now that I have it, this code will only copy the total

Any help would be gretly appreciated, even if it's just a nudge in the right

Thank you

Tom Ogilvy

Application.CutCopyMode = True
Application.CutCopyMode = False

This assumes there are no empty rows embedded in your data and the sum prow
on the activesheet is contiguous with the data rows (no blank row in

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