Inserting Logos/Graphics into Word 2003



Hi, if any one could help me I would really appreciate it.

I inserted the Microsoft MCSA logo into my resume in Word 2003. When
scroll up thorough the document the logo either disappears or part o
the logo disappears. Sometimes I can make it reappear by clicking on i
or changing the view back and forth from Print lay out to Normal la
out. This happens whether I insert the logo or copy and paste it.
have two Comptia logos next to it that don't have this problem. Th
logo is formatted in line with text. If I deselect the format in lin
with text option on the MCSA logo the comptia logos start to disappea
instead. I'm so confused

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Dshmitt,

My guess would be that your graphics card driver is having some
difficulties. New versions of Word often require an updated graphics
driver, as new functionalities test the drivers to their limits. Check
with the manufacturer of your graphics card.
I inserted the Microsoft MCSA logo into my resume in Word 2003. When I
scroll up thorough the document the logo either disappears or part of
the logo disappears. Sometimes I can make it reappear by clicking on it
or changing the view back and forth from Print lay out to Normal lay
out. This happens whether I insert the logo or copy and paste it. I
have two Comptia logos next to it that don't have this problem. The
logo is formatted in line with text. If I deselect the format in line
with text option on the MCSA logo the comptia logos start to disappear
instead. I'm so confused!

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

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