inserting multiple photos from IPhoto to Word



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

Is is possible to copy multiple photos from IPhoto and insert into a word document all at once - (without inserting them one at a time)? I see you can copy from IPhoto - but when I go into the word document - the paste option doesn't appear to be available.

Jason Andersen [MSFT]

Unfortunately this won't work, mainly because the OS clipboard doesn't
understand multiple pictures (if you go to the Finder and select Edit > Show
Clipboard, you'll see the copied images are listed as unknown/items).

However, there is some new functionality in Office 2008 that may make this a
little bit easier. If you view the Object Palette in the Toolbox (if the
Toolbox isn't displayed, you can bring it up by going to the View menu), you
can select the sub-tab called "Photos", it's the one on the very right.

This view will display the pictures inside your iPhoto library, so you can
easily copy/paste or drag/drop them into your document.

Hope this helps!

- Jason


I just downloaded and ran updates for Mac Office 2008. When I try to use the View Palette option and click on the Photos tab, I see the IPhoto pictures begin to load and then get an error and Word restarts. Any suggestions? Thanks

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