Inserting new fields



I have a report that I designed (a Purchase Order) and I now find that I
need to add room for more items to be purchased. Is there an easy way to
have everything below the last line of items ordered moved down in order to
insert 2 more lines? Thanks for your assistance.


Larry Linson

If you are not using a subform control with a continuous forms view of the
"order details" then chances are that your underlying data is not well
laid-out according to relational database design principles.

Given that you likely need far more change than this, you can point and drag
from inside or outside the data area to select all controls on part of a
report, then place your mouse pointer inside, get the "hand", and drag those
items down to leave additional space, into which you can insert the
additional controls you need.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP

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