Inserting Powerpoint presentation in to web site



I'm wanting to have a powerpoint presentation as part of a website, but I
want to make sure that it is also accessible to viewers who don't have
powerpoint installed on their PC.

The presentation may have animations/sounds etc and if so I would like to
keep these features.

I know there is a "powerpoint viewer" but I don't know whether that can be
used to include it in a website.

Any advice appreciated



Steve Rindsberg

I'm wanting to have a powerpoint presentation as part of a website, but I
want to make sure that it is also accessible to viewers who don't have
powerpoint installed on their PC.

To play back PPT files, they *must* have either PPT or the free but
aging-and-showing-it-and-soon-to-be-replaced-by-a-newer Viewer.

For either to work, the sounds would have to be embedded, not linked,
meaning that the presentation could get quite large. See:

LINKS BREAK when I move presentation

Ignore all the stuff about relative vs absolute paths ... doesn't matter in
this case; no embedded sound --> no sound at all.
The presentation may have animations/sounds etc and if so I would like to
keep these features.

Have you tried saving as HTML? Depending on the version of PPT and of the
browser your visitors use, this might get you closer to what you want, and
with less trouble.
I know there is a "powerpoint viewer" but I don't know whether that can be
used to include it in a website.

You'd have to get the visitors to download and install it, or to download a
Pack'n'Go archive including the viewer from your site. Sounds like a hard
sell to me.

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