Inserting text to a document according to the selected text by looking up to a database




I'm a newbie with Word scripting, but I know Access quite fine, and also a
bit of VBA.

I want to do the following and don't know where to start:

I want to make Word to do the following actions when I press 'F7' after I've
selected a text in the document (or any other F Key):
1. If there is no selected text, quit the script/macro/code/whatever.
2. Look at the CatDetails table in c:\database.mdb.
the CatDetails table contains two fields:
Field Name Data Type
CatID Text
CatText Text

I want the code to search CatDetails table for CatID which is equal to the
current selected text in the Word editor.
3. If there is no record which has CatID = SelectedText, then I want word
to beep and quit the code.
4. If there is a record which has CatID = SelectedText, I want the code to
automatically add the following text after the selected text:
" - Text about the Cat: " & CatText '(according to the selected CarID)
5. I want the (keyboard) cursur to move to the end of the text that was

For example, if i'm editing the current line in word:
"Eddie2 is a nice ID for a cat."
and i'm selecting "Eddie2", and pressing for example F7, I want the code to
look at the CarDetails table, find that the CatText for "Eddie2" is "He is a
nice one", and change the line to:
"Eddie2 - Text about the Cat: He is a nice one is a nice ID for a cat"*
(* marks the place where I want the keyboard cursur to be when the code

Thank you very much for your help.
I'm sorry if it's not the forum for that question, and I will be grateful if
you answer this question or tell me which forum to address it.



Hi!, Thank you very much!

I have two more questions about this solution:
1. How can I make Word not to select the "space" char that comes after the
selected word, or how can I make the search in the database to search
without that spacebar? Almost every time I select a word it's selected with
the spacebar after it, like that: Eddie2_ instead of Eddie (I used the _ to
represent spacebar). How can I cut the spacebar from the selection or from
the search in the DB?
2. Can I make word to automatically select the current word that the
keyboard cursur is on, so that I won't have to select it everytime?

Thank you very much again!

Kind Regards,


I've solved my first questions using the next code to replace the text and
remove the last character if it's Chr(13),
But I still don't know how to select the current word if Len(pText) = 0.

Dim strSelectionWithoutLastSpace As String
Dim strChar As String
Dim i As Integer

If Len(pText) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

For i = 1 To Len(pText)
strChar = Mid$(pText, i, 1)
If i < Len(pText) Then
strSelectionWithoutLastSpace = strSelectionWithoutLastSpace &
If (strChar = Chr(13)) Then
'Do Nothing
strSelectionWithoutLastSpace = strSelectionWithoutLastSpace
& strChar
End If
End If
Next i



Thank you very much!


Jezebel said:
Much simpler way to get rid of the trailing space is the Trim$() function --

pText = trim$(Selection)

To get the word containing the selection --

pText = selection.Words(1)

Bear in mind that "Word" in this context is a fairly loose term. A
punctuation mark is considered a "word" in this collection.


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