inserting tif files into word



I have the following problem. I make a picture in Adobe Illustrator
10.0.3 and then export it into a TIFF file. When I want to insert
this TIFF file into a Word X document (OS X) I see picture holders
(white squares) but I do not see the actual picture. If I save the
same Illustrator file as EPS, then open it with Photoshop 7, and then
create a TIFF file with Photoshop, I can insert this file into a Word
My question is: why TIFF files created by Illustrator cannot be
inserted into Word?
Should I mention that I was able to do this untill few days ago when I
upgraded QuckTime into
version 6.4. Anything to do with my problem?

Best regards,


Thanks. No, it is not a problem of image placeholders. I can insert
into Word X and PowerPoint X
other types of files, but Tiff no longer works. It works with Word 98
but not with Word X.
I can insert tiff files I created a couple of weeks ago, but not tiff
files I make now.
New installations in my computer are QuicTime 6.4, Adobe Acrobat 6 and
Mathematica 5.
I think that one of these instalations is corrupting the way Word and
Power Point are inserting tiff files created by Adobe programs. I can
insert into Word X tiff files made by Graphic Converter
without problem. Could it be a problem of alpha channels, whatever
that is? I take care of transparency issue, but that does not help.

Greetings, dd

Beth Rosengard

Hi dd,

Your thought that there's a conflict with other software is logical, only I
don't know what it is. Nor do I know why it's only tiff files that are
acting up. However, your mention of GraphicConverter rang a bell.

In Word 2001, I've found that if I open a graphic in GC first, then copy and
paste it into Word, I never have a problem with it. I don't have to do
anything to it in GC, just open it there and copy it. Will that workaround
help you?

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <>
Entourage Help Page: <>


Hi Beth. thanks for the hint.
I just reinstallled QuickTime 6.3 (using Apple's QT 6.3 reinstal
program) and everything is back to normal. I can create a tiff image
with the Illustrator and then insert it into Word X with no problems.
It appears that the conflict, for
whatever reason, was created by my previous installation of the
QuickTime 6.4.

Have a nice weekend, DD

Tim Murray

Do you think the problem is the creation of the TIFF or the import of it?
Know what I mean? There are several combinations, and I wonder which fail and
which work. The first is certainly a failure and last certainly will work,
but what about the others?

- Create in QT6.4 and import in 6.4 (fail)
- Create in QT6.4 and import in 6.3 (????)
- Create in QT6.3 and import in 6.4 (????)
- Create in QT6.3 and import in 6.3 (fail)


Good point.
I have narrowed it down further by founding that only files created
with CMYK colors will not work. Even under QT4 RGB files work well.
So, here is the table:

created in QT6.3 CMYK and imported in QT6.3 works
created in QT6.3 RGB and imported in QT6.3 works
created in QT6.4 RGB and imported in QT6.4 works
created in QT6.4 CMYK and imported in QT6.4 FAILS
created in QT6.3 CMYK and imported in QT6.4 FAILS
created in QT6.3 RGB and imported in QT6.4 works
created in QT6.4 CMYK and imported in QT6.3 works
created in QT6.4 RGb and imported in QT6.3 works

So, import of CMYK tiff files created in both QT6.3 and 6.4 FAILS in
Import of RGB files always works.
Import of CMYK files works only in QT6.3.

Previously I commented that import of tiff files created by Graphic
Convereter in QT6.4 worked.
I now understand why: GC converts CMYK files into RGB (at least the
version I have).


Tim Murray

created in QT6.3 CMYK and imported in QT6.3 works
created in QT6.3 CMYK and imported in QT6.4 FAILS
created in QT6.3 RGB and imported in QT6.3 works
created in QT6.3 RGB and imported in QT6.4 works
created in QT6.4 CMYK and imported in QT6.3 works
created in QT6.4 CMYK and imported in QT6.4 FAILS
created in QT6.4 RGB and imported in QT6.3 works
created in QT6.4 RGB and imported in QT6.4 works

I resorted the table and inserted a space for readability in a monospace
font. When you look at it like that, it appears that the QT 6.4 kills Word's
ability to import CMYK. Not that Word can't import a CMYK TIFF period, just
not with 6.4. I also tried it with a Photoshop TIFF and it failed, too.


I agree with Tim. But I can add a further comment:

MS Office X (Word, Powerpoint) cannot import a CMYK TIff created (at
least) by Adobe in QT 6.4 AND in Mac OSX.

I checked just for the fun of it: installation of QT 6.4 in Windows XP
does not interfere with MS Office's ability to insert Adobe's CMYK
tiffs files. But this should be expected.

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