Inserting Values in a Multidimensional Array from Two Different Controls




I'm using a userform to capture data and there on display them in
various cells in a sheet. For storing the data before displaying in the
cells, I am using a multidimensional array. Now, the problem I am facing
is that I have a combobox and a listbox whose values I want to keep on
adding into the multidimensional array till the user clicks the submit
button. The code I am using is :


Dim arr() As String
Dim oName As String
Dim oJob As String
Dim cName As Integer
cName = lbColNames.ListCount
oName = txtColName.Value
oJob = cbJob.Value
If cbJob.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please select a Job."
lbColNames.AddItem (oName)
ReDim Preserve arr(cName, cName)
arr(cName, cName) = oName
arr(cName, cName + 1) = oJob
End If


But this generates an error "Subscript out of range". What wrong am I
doing here? And how to insert values from 2 different controls into one
multidimensional array? Please help.



Tom Ogilvy

You redim'd the array to

ReDim Preserve arr(cName, cName)

then try to add a value to

arr(cName, cName + 1) = oJob

[cname + 1 is greater than the upper bound of cname]

which should give you the error you describe.


Hi Tom,

Thanks for replying, but I am still unable to understand what I need to
be doing to fix the problem. Could you please help me out with it?



Tom said:
You redim'd the array to

ReDim Preserve arr(cName, cName)

then try to add a value to

arr(cName, cName + 1) = oJob

[cname + 1 is greater than the upper bound of cname]

which should give you the error you describe.

Tom Ogilvy

shivboy said:

I'm using a userform to capture data and there on display them in
various cells in a sheet. For storing the data before displaying in the
cells, I am using a multidimensional array. Now, the problem I am facing
is that I have a combobox and a listbox whose values I want to keep on
adding into the multidimensional array till the user clicks the submit
button. The code I am using is :


Dim arr() As String
Dim oName As String
Dim oJob As String
Dim cName As Integer
cName = lbColNames.ListCount
oName = txtColName.Value
oJob = cbJob.Value
If cbJob.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please select a Job."
lbColNames.AddItem (oName)
ReDim Preserve arr(cName, cName)
arr(cName, cName) = oName
arr(cName, cName + 1) = oJob
End If


But this generates an error "Subscript out of range". What wrong am I
doing here? And how to insert values from 2 different controls into one
multidimensional array? Please help.



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