Inserting Visio Images into Word



I'm wishing to find the best way to insert diagrams created in Visio
2003 into Word 2003.

My dilemma is thus... I want to insert the diagram without losing image
quality, and without increasing the Word document size significantly.

As a test example, if I embed a Visio diagram using cut and paste my
Word doccy goes to 870KB... if I insert a PNG created with Visio my
Word doccy goes to 116KB (but the image quality is unnacceptable).

I know I'm stating conflicting requirements! And if I'm being dumb
just say so, any guidance would be helpful. It's just that a Word
document I'm working on needs about forty Visio drawings inserted and I
am up to about 15 MB already.

Cheers, Dave


someone once told me that because word saves all the history in the
document, all the changes and editing, that swells the size quite
significantly. maybe you already know that. sometimes copying your
entire document into a new doc can reduce the size by reducing the history.
do you use photoshop at all? i'd try saving the visio doc as a pdf, then
opening it in pshop, then saving it as an image in every way possible
til you find the most economical file size yet keeping the resolution nice.
try a .gif, try file/save for web, these may be silly ideas, but
everything's worth trying.


You gave me the idea of saving my bloated Word document as a PDF (using
CutePDF Writer - free version) which has shrunk my document from 15MB
to 2MB.
I know I've cheated by using PDF, but I'm happy now. Thanks.

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