InsertingSection Breaks after endnotes



I'm formatting a book and each chapter has endnotes.
Trying to combine all chapters in one document but unable
to insert a section break after the last endnote in each
chapter, therefore when I take a new page the other
chapters 'Header' appears. Anyone know how to deal with


It's ok I've finally found out how to do it. For those
interested go into 'normal' view and pretend the endnotes
aren't there. place all of the chapters in a doc (still
in normal view) and after placing each one in the docput
a 'continuous section break' in. Do the following:

Change endnotes- end of section
Then go into the Endnote window and select 'choose number
start at 1
change numbering to restart at each section
and apply changes to whole doc.

Good luck!

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