Insertion of section symbol () to "Number format" box...


Stefan Blom

Note that you can only paste in symbols that are supported by the font used
for the outline number. For fonts that can handle Unicode, this gives you
quite a lot of options. Look in the Symbol dialog box (Insert | Symbol).

Andrey Kazak

Thank you for reply!

I use the standard Times New Roman for the outline number...
Also I can paste section symbol from Symbol dialog box (Insert | Symbol) to
the main document...

Stefan Blom

In a document you can use the Symbol dialog box to insert a character from
any font that you can choose in the "Font" box, regardless of which font is
used for the rest of the text. However, it does *not* work like that in
dialog boxes.

In this case, since the outline number is formatted in Times New Roman font,
you must pick a character from the Times New Roman font (Unicode characters
should work just fine). That character can then be pasted into the "Number
format" box of the Customize Outline Numbered List dialog box.

Andrey Kazak

In this case, since the outline number is formatted in Times New Roman
you must pick a character from the Times New Roman font (Unicode
should work just fine). That character can then be pasted into the "Number
format" box of the Customize Outline Numbered List dialog box.

I do the following:
1) Apply Normal style to all text of a document;
2) Insert section sign (Unicode character 00A7) from of Times New Roman font
from (Insert | Symbol) dialog to the document;
3) Select it and copy to a clipboard;
4) Select a line of text and go to "Customize outline numbered list" dialog;
5) Try to paste clipboard content to "Number format" box, BUT nothing is

I use Word 2003 (11.8215.8202) SP3. Maybe I have buggy version?

What else to try?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I'm not sure of the reason for (4). You should be modifying a given style,
not a single paragraph.

Andrey Kazak

Just deleted "" and everything is fine now!

Thank you for the fruitfull discussion...